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Posts posted by Frosty

  1. 17 hours ago, Thumper said:

    Do you think it would be more likely to be Cristiano Ronaldo or Sadio Mane whose head was turned by a dinner at the most salubrious hotel on the whole of Dunure Road?

    Racecourse Road I think you’ll find for the Savoy Park. A lot less competition these days for most salubrious hotel on that road with the way hotels there have disappeared - used to be a decent pub/hotel crawl into town from the Burns Monument in my youth.

    You’ve also got Doonfoot Road before you get to Dunure Road. Presumably Ronaldo and Mane were staying in the Balgarth if they were dining in the most salubrious hotel on Dunure Road (think it’s also the only one so not much competition.)

  2. 1 hour ago, Utdtillidie2 said:

    This was my first game, September 1988. Look at the size of the crowd for a league game v Dunfermline!

    The game where our run at the 1st Division following the 87/88 2nd Division title win came to a grinding halt. 2-0 up and coasting until a season ending injury to Cally let Dunfermline back into it and we never really challenged again.

    Great crowds in those days on the back of one of Ayr’s most entertaining ever teams. Templeton was a delight to watch - what a pass for Sludden’s goal. Joe Love and Brian Ross didn’t really improve the previous year’s team - remember Ross getting hooked after about 20 minutes against someone. Dunfermline were an annoying team full of wanks like Bobby Smith John Watson and Ross Jack - half the team were called Smith from memory.

  3. 7 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

    Slightly conflating a bit here, sorry 😂

    So the garage have said its probably one of the oil rings on a piston that's a bit worn; the car itself is driving fine, its just that its got slightly high crank case pressure. Point still stands to get rid within a few thousand miles/next couple of years, however, just as a precaution.

    Different pal I spoke to that hasn't looked at the thing said the piston rings on mine can be prone to overheating and said something about a PCV (I know nothing about cars tbh) which is where I picked that up from.

    Wasn't sure if that would be an advisory/fail when its due its next MOT, but seemingly not, so got a bit of time yet. Bit of a pain because the parts themselves are buttons, its just the labour costs mean it's not really worth it - says online it'd almost be worth just getting a brand new fucking engine and fitting it in there rather than stripping the engine for the sake of a fault in and around one or more pistons? idk.


    Is there any sorcery that can be done with some kind of remapping to prolong the life of it with the fuel air mixture?

    I’m not a mechanic but just had to scrap my 8 year old/85,000 mile Jeep Grand Cherokee when the engine died after being told at its last service that there were piston issues. Never envisaged that the engine would die and wish the Jeep dealer had been clear that it was potentially terminal.

    In short I’d suggest you get rid to We Buy Any Car sharpish as in my experience any talk of engine stripping is fanciful and the cost would be prohibitive versus cashing in now to WBAC where there will be no come back to you if it does die soon after you pass it on as opposed to flogging it to an individual who may come knocking on your door.

  4. 57 minutes ago, Branch Ton said:

    Oh dear. You seem to miss more points than Sean McGinty misses tackles. Chucking a few pejorative comments into a jumbled mess of pseudo babble doesn’t make an argument.. Bottom line little Ayr has little  in the way of assets to fund a spending spree.. if you choose to live beyond your means then you are reliant on external benefactors something which always turns to shit at some point down the line. Happy  to accept you fundamentally disagree with all of this so please jog along and cease to stink out this thread,


    I actually don’t disagree with your point about living within your means. My issue is you have read our accounts but you clearly don’t understand them and as a result are making yourself look more than a little foolish. You are at it again with your reference to assets funding a spending spree. Hopefully Mrs Branch Ton deals with all things monetary in your household as I fear emptying a piggy bank is the extent of your financial knowledge.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Branch Ton said:

    As at June 2023 creditors £575k payable in less than a year, other creditors due after more than a year £559k. Paying them off from the profits of the pie stall are you?

    Abandoned your ludicrous assertion that expenditure is funded by borrowing I see - very wise.

    Unfortunately you seem to have selected another ridiculous hill to die on I’m afraid.

    Creditors due after more than a year are long term debts - that’s why they are in that section of the balance sheet - so the pie stall doesn’t need to be raised to pay for them at all at this point. The reality is long term debt tends to be refinanced in most instances although if you’d read the notes to our accounts (Note 7 to make it easy for you) you’d have seen nearly all ours is from our directors and former directors so more than likely to be written off if past performance from these same individuals is followed.

    Short term debts tend to be satisfied by short term assets over the course of the period of the accounts - they are revolving assets and liabilities by nature so again unlikely to be much burden if any to the pie stall. You will of course have seen from Note 6 this time that almost half of our short term debts relate to Deferred Income so will be extinguished by the provision of the service they relate to rather than requiring any cash from us.

    You clearly don’t know what you are talking about here so suggest you draw a line under this and move on.

  6. 6 hours ago, Branch Ton said:

    And in what form does the inflow of cash take if not borrowing? You’re not seriously suggesting you are going to attract more paying punters to serve the dross you let serve up. 

    Any football club that is using borrowing to cover its expenditure won’t be around for very long. In the world of Scottish football expenditure should be funded by income through season tickets/pay at the gate, hospitality, sponsorship, club shop, advertising, lotteries, player funds, tv revenue, prize money, pitch hire etc

    I knew the concept of finance might be limited in Greenock but surprised it’s been quite this alien.

  7. 55 minutes ago, Branch Ton said:

    Really?  Spend £100k now and you are technically insolvent. 

    Er no. I suspected you didn’t know what you were talking about with your other comment about funding needing to be through the raising of equity otherwise you would be creating a creditor but you’ve now removed any doubt.

    The result of any outflows of cash would only impact the balance sheet after any corresponding inflows of cash as dealt with in the cash flow statement so to suggest that spending more than the amount of our current net worth would mean we are technically insolvent is wrong.

  8. Great to see a Scotsman leading in Myrtle Beach - we’ve been doing an annual trip there for the last 30 years and just got back from this years visit last week.

    Played The Dunes many times and it’s a terrific track - always in magnificent condition with greens as good as any course I’ve ever played. Didn’t play it this year obviously with it being closed prior to the tournament so nice to see familiar homes on the TV. It usually eats our lunch but expect the pros to go very low this week as it won’t be a long course for them and conditions will be soft with the damp, cool spring they’ve had in South Carolina.

  9. 20 hours ago, ScotiaNostra said:

    any recomendations for car rental companies at Edinburgh airport, I usually use enterprise and its always been ok, no hassle and reliable but a bit pricey. Trying to reduce costs so looking for cheaper alternative if any

    I wouldn’t ever just check one car rental company.

    Try in no particular order Rentalcars, Holiday Autos, Carjet, Kayak, Expedia and Skyscanner. Carjet has been the cheapest for UK rentals recently.

    Keep an eye on limited mileage with rentals and costs for additions such as additional drivers if relevant.

    Would also recommend spending a few quid on insurance to cover the excess which can be significant with most hire companies - never buy the additional insurance from the hire co - and do go over the car with a fine tooth comb when picking it up and get every blemish logged however small - with many hire co’s running quite old cars that have been hard used don’t assume they are blemish free.

  10. 1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:


    Was that picture taken up Auchincruive by any chance?

    No mate - down south where we live. Being Labs Ayr beach was their stock walk when they came up or through the Old Racecourse, Rozelle and Belleisle with regular trips to the burn running through Seafield and Belleisle.

    Happy days.

  11. Just braved watching the highlights after Saturday’s debacle. Didn’t change the view from watching it live that we were universally rank rotten in every single position and that includes the dugout.

    Brown is trying to play a system that just isn’t suited to the players at his disposal. There’s not one of the starting back 4 on Saturday that’s comfortable bringing the ball out from the back - the highlights brought home how close Stanger was to doing a Sanders on more than one occasion in the first half and McGinty never looks comfortable with the ball at his feet like Musonda or Kirk did last season. 

    Sanders took his goal well which showed some character after his disaster for their second but he just looks an utter bomb scare at the back and has to be dropped for his own protection if nothing else.

    Think the criticism of the keeper is harsh but it looked like he was rooted to his line for the first from the SRE and the highlights showed Paton finished a fairly lobbed cross from well inside the six yard box so a ball Clarke should have been coming to take or punch really.

    Dowds put himself about so was the only one to challenge Franny for MoM (which was clearly a statement from the sponsors and good on them) as the midfield and attack matched the defence for looking as if they’d only been introduced to their teammates just before kick-off and to a ball just after that.

    Queens Park looked like a team that will avoid relegation with ease although they won’t get to play a team as bad as we were on Saturday every week. The Paton reaction was very strange for an experienced professional footballer - can only think something was said to him at one of their corners but it wasn’t obvious from where we were standing and he hadn‘t been getting singled out by the crowd so he must have a thin skin or normally have very bad hearing as with the coupon he has to carry around and a hooter that means the rest of his body must be in permanent shade he must be used to getting more than his share of abuse from the terrace.

    Big game on Friday as a performance as bad as this one needs a quick reaction.

  12. 4 hours ago, Caledonian1 said:

    Well I applied online for a passport last Monday evening (26th Feb) sent off my old one second class on Tuesday and received my new passport in the post yesterday morning at 7.55am (1st March)  So there you go the turnaround was quicker.........

    Must admit I was expecting a few weeks and was starting to think that if I didnt do anything soon enough i would be looking to engage one of the Channel  small boat operators to get me into Europe in time for Germany v Scotland on June 14th

    Nice one! That’s a quite unbelievable turnaround especially when you factor two postal deliveries into the equation.

  13. Have a US trip coming up in April and while my passport ran to August and US rules are that the passport just needs to be valid for the period of your visit rather for 6 months from the end of your trip decided to renew it.

    Did the online renewal on Feb 23rd and sent the old passport off the same day - had confirmation passport was approved on the 28th and delivery scheduled for March 1st.

    Thought might be of interest to anyone thinking of renewing - difficult to see how the turnaround could be quicker.

  14. Had meant to mention that Stansted had a few of the new scanners that don’t require liquids or electronics to be removed from bags when I flew out last year. Used Stansted again last week and they are in the process of replacing all their scanners for these new versions. There will be fewer scanners than currently but should still make for a faster security process.

    The new scanners are currently in a room on the left as you come through the main security entrance so if you have the choice favour that side as you enter. Coats and belts only still need to be removed.

  15. On 04/01/2024 at 12:24, Lurkst said:

    One from back in the glory days of only three channels, On The Move, a programme to help with adult illiteracy. I was just a nipper when it was broadcast so didn't realise until years later that it featured before they were famous Bob Hoskins and Martin Shaw amongst others...



    Stalwart character actress Patricia Hayes in the picture with Martin Shaw doing his best geography teacher impersonation.

  16. 4 hours ago, velo army said:

    Rooney's one was fantastic too. The technical execution was wonderful and, given that it was, I think, a last minute winner (more or less) I think it deserves fully to be in the conversation. 

    From memory the ball connected with Rooney’s shin closer to his knee than his boot so goes into the outrageous fluke category for me.

  17. 11 hours ago, lichtie23 said:

    Is it just me that thinks Gary Player is an Odious wee p***k? 

    Not just a cheat - the engraving on the Claret Jug shows the cut of his jib getting his name put on larger than everyone else.


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