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Everything posted by jimbaxters

  1. That's not what I said. Read it again please. Anyway, going back to what you said in the last post, I bet you 10p Mr. Bamford reads on here.
  2. When I saw the thread title there I guessed that would be why. That's bad news. Didn't know him personally but know he was gid junior man. Always made me laugh when I saw him walking in Mauchline and someone would pass him in a car and peep their horn. Jamesy just raised his hand in a wave without looking to see who it was.
  3. Where do you watch it when she's at home, ya wimp?
  4. Agreed. It's still comedy gold though. An absolute minter.
  5. My belief is that you are Mr. Matt Bamford. Just saying.
  6. As long as the hospitality, travel arrangements etc hadn't been done then that's no biggy.
  7. So are these out later today? The way things are going Baillieston will have 30 games fixtured.
  8. IIRC there were they had a team in the draw twice. There was a video posted on here of some fella taking the P and conducting his own draw for the Junior Cup with names like Canada in it. Haha. Good on Petershill for pointing it out although I suspect the motives were not merely "in the interests of fairness" but included some GIRUY.
  9. When they get a fair pay deal they won't be. But then that would take a small drop in profits for the private rail companies so it will probably continue.
  10. In fairness, that is probably nearer the mark. In answer to the previous point, of course players won't (or shouldn't) be relying on football salary to pay their mortgage; I used this merely as an lazy point to make. It's difficult for a Talbot man to have a go at Andy.
  11. Change the word "champions", because that's impossible at Christmas, to "leaders" and it's accurate.
  12. Ah well if it's part of an interview then it's definitely true.
  13. That's what it is aye. Not sure which bank allows you to pay your mortgage with attendance figures.
  14. Thanks. That allows me to sink all my negative energy into this club.
  15. Is the rapist at Shettleston for another year?
  16. Wonder who they'll draw in the first round of big Scottish.
  17. When did transatlantic flights start doing the Ryanair/easyJet thing of paying extra for your seat allocation etc? Thieves!
  18. The way it usually goes is when he knows, we know...that he knows.
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