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Everything posted by jimbaxters

  1. This is a right shot in the dark as I don't think anyone on this forum will know but... I think I have just been lied to. Does anyone know if a private school in Italy does not receive any tax relief?
  2. With your username you could have written that in wingdings and we would still have known what you would be saying.
  3. If it is the 10th July before they come out (and it is if as I've only seen a post on here saying that), then it kind of makes a mockery of the rule above.
  4. When is the first game supposed to be? I nearly said "scheduled for" but that would only happen if there is a schedule!
  5. I'm fully expecting exclusions for typhoid, cholera and Hep A!
  6. Or Cumnock Although given your track record Andy, if Talbot lose the opening match, you'll be banging your "Tucker must go" drum.
  7. Does anyone know if it is possible to take out life assurance which covers you regardless of where in the world you are resident and if so which companies provide this?
  8. Where are Cumnock getting their money please?
  9. Attaching meaning to songs. Obviously music can be evocative of certain times in your life but some people have a life event, usually sad/tragic to link to every song they hear.
  10. I shall. Tell him to look out for anyone complaining at an "Italian" restaurant.
  11. Moving to Lima, Peru in two weeks time @Melanius Mullarkey and have just discovered that they are not permitted to flush toilet paper! Instead they "deposit it in the container provided". Bit freaked out by it tbh. Sincerely hope all toilets include an Arabic style hose.
  12. Why has No.5 put the tight ankle things over the socks? Presumably the lads only put them on to model them for the photo.
  13. Back to the default of looking at the last 16 draw and wondering where England will lose. Utterly, utterly soul destroying. Cheers Stevie and the boys!
  14. Your syntax doesn't make sense there but I get what you mean. Your team will need to do more than that if they want to get back to your RiGhTfUl PlAcE iN tHe PyRaMiD.
  15. Aye maybe THAT'S why we always finish ahead of you!
  16. One of the opening round of matches will be Clydebank v Auchinleck Talbot. It just came to me there.
  17. For the whole 100 minutes? You'll have to explain it better or have a rethink.
  18. So what criteria are you using then if it's not the last three matches against countries from Pot 1,3 and 4 (were we Pot 2?) of the top European countries? Define "comfortable draw". Even if we are in Pot 2 for the qualifying draw there will be a Hungary type team in Pot 3. I repeat, there has been NOTHING in either these three games or in fact since beating Norway which has suggested we can give anyone a game. We will not qualify for anything if Steve Clarke is in charge as there will be no change of personnel.
  19. Struggling to see how a supposed midfield play maker can be classified as "isolated"
  20. How can you possibly make that out given the fact that we are bottom of a group of 24 team at the current Euros? Are there 24 places for European countries at the next World Cup? I know that's a bit simplistic but there was absolutely nothing in our game play which suggests we are better than any other team at this tournament. Used to hate it when people said we're better off not qualifying for Finals as we just make an arse of it but the embarrassment levels of this tournament were off the scale and I was thinking exactly that. Compounded by the fact that we did very similar at Hampden in the last Euros and learned centre-of-a-doughnut.
  21. Although that's true, there is worth in remembering how utterly painful and embarrassing it was. Factor that in to the discussion afterwards which is probably a given as there were no positives IMO. None.
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