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Everything posted by johnnydun

  1. How is binning the play offs fair? If we are to end it and wait for next season then surely next seasons first games should be the play offs. But even that is not fair on the teams who still have a chance to get in the play offs but are not currently in those positions.
  2. I would imagine they will vote against it. It would be voting away the play offs to go for it.
  3. Well the other option is losing their job. I can see they have set up fund raisers, but why? Is it not maybe an excuse that they are possibly using because they are skint anyway? Is your boss @Deefiant?
  4. If clubs are needing an early payout (although I still can't see why), give them the amount now, they would get in their mathematically lowest possible finishing position.
  5. Raith Rovers Chairman highly doubts it will pass... “Clubs who are going to miss out or be relegated are going to oppose, and clubs who are maybe in the play-off position, and even clubs below that, have indicated that they won’t vote for it.” http://www.deadlinenews.co.uk/2020/04/08/spfl-chairman-reveals-how-he-thinks-vote-will-go/amp/?__twitter_impression=true Edit: Just noticed this is in your original post @Ludo*1
  6. The higher paid players and management are in the same boat as every other worker in the country so taking a max of £2500 is just something they don't have a choice in. HLP will be at a minimum cost right now as will maintenance. Commercial tenants are protected for at least 3 months if they cannot afford to pay rent during the corona virus.
  7. Like what on going costs? Edit: not being cunty, genuine question.
  8. Well if that's the case they would be furloughed shirley? Which brings me back to my original point, if the clubs are not spending any money at this time, why the desperate need for the prize money?
  9. Why wouldn't it cover all employees? Players on contracts would be the same as being self employed, no? Still no cost to the club.
  10. I don't see that the rush for prize money is a major factor considering most clubs are furloughing staff anyway.
  11. Any team with a chance of a play off spot could vote against it.
  12. Its fantastic viewing. Tears and snotters incoming Minter that you still can't properly win the Championship. DABs;
  13. Pfft, yer arse, everyone would prefer null and void apart from those who stand in a good position to gain promotion or avoid relegation, the minority.
  14. "Consulting on the possibility" doesn't fill me with hope tbh.
  15. If they do go ahead with this, then a team, at some point, will have to be relegated from the Prem. If they can't complete the Prem season, they will have to relegate Hearts.
  16. One of my favourites was the 98/99 Hydro Electric one, I especially liked "The Dees" on the back, again so uncomfortable to wear.
  17. You are fuckin' thicker than I thought then.
  18. So you have counted the numbers twice to suit your own agenda? My son suffers from really bad Asthma, often needing put on a nebulizer, if he gets it, I would really worry for him. He like the rest of us will also die eventually, but I would like that to be from old age not because some fucking p***k like you couldn't handle not going to the pub for a couple of months. My son is in the same boat as thousands more. So go f**k yourself you utter melt.
  19. ^^^Didn't win first prize in a beauty contest.
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