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San Starko Rover

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Everything posted by San Starko Rover

  1. No offence mate but that’d be even worse than them getting B teams in thr Championship now, they piss off to England or a European League earning mega money but leave their proxy club here to still hoover up the Scottish trophies. No doubt we’ll get the same old shite soon about huge away crowd’s for their B teams despite pitiful crowds in the Lowland League and Diddy Cup games. Get this idea so far back into the sea.
  2. I certainly wouldn’t take anything the media says as fact until it’s posted by the club itself. Think they have Fox getting the job last time and then Murray was announced. Like others I’m more intrigued that we’re looking outside the usual names in different markets. Healy looks the most likely name we’ve seen linked but he could not be interested or we could fail to agree compensation with Linfield.
  3. An ex Man Utd youth player who played for Rangers and is Northern Irish, just give us the league cup now Not a name I’d have guessed but at least he’s got experience and has won things during his career. Is it a good appointment only time will tell but it’s a hell of a lot more inspiring than some of the names mentioned on here (I’ll see your Liam Fox and raise you Nacho Novo!). Certainly not a done deal yet but sounds likely from the reports. I know he’s 45 but any chance he can bring his boots, scored a few for Northern Ireland in his day.
  4. Can’t say I know much about Healy as a manager but it’s not one of the usual suspects I guess. See if there’s anything in it.
  5. I think if Hanlon was happening it would have been announced by now, doubt it would be a long negotiation if it was with one of our own players looking at a shot at the job and Barrowman would have put it out last week. I’ve zero ideas who it’ll be but it’s certainly been kept pretty quiet in terms of any leaks of who we’ve even spoken to. Not really bothered if it takes time as long as we don’t panic and appoint the next Gary Locke. The win against Thistle gives a bit of breathing room as we’ve now points on the board and aren’t looking at potentially 3 defeats in a row if we lose on Saturday which could easily have been the case.
  6. Next rumour will be we’ve no paid the TV licence on the big telly
  7. If Liam Fox with his 20% win record is genuinely the target it must have been a long list of people who turned us down. Don’t get me wrong, like players managers can change from club to club and suddenly find their form but what would make the board even look at his application with such a horrendous record. Instead of Gary Locke and his Hearts retirement home we’ll get Liam Fox and his Hearts nursery.
  8. Nothing is beyond the realms of possibility but I’d be extremely surprised and disappointed if it was Liam Fox, his record is hardly good at previous clubs and doing ‘no bad’ with Hearts B in Tier 5 isn’t what a supposedly ambitious board should be looking at. He’s another Gary Locke but nowhere near as good. Appoint him and I’ll go get my bucket and spade out the cupboard. The Scott Brown rumour is a weird one if there’s any truth in it as I don’t see any reason for him to be linked, Ayr could surely offer equal terms to what we can so unless he’s desperate for a return to Fife for a Stuart’s Pie and a night in Wee Jimmies I don’t see why he’d even be interested in talking to us let alone our board being willing to pay off Ayr Utd compensation terms.
  9. Eastern Europe is really nice, especially the Baltic States. You’ll have a fantastic time there. On a separate note some of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen in the Baltic States, sadly out of my league
  10. Too late to move (agreed before we were out the cup) also only holds 1200 so possible issues if it was a Saturday? Shame a a Saturday game would be nice.
  11. Was agreed as part of Callum Hannah‘s signing contract. Fair play nice thing to do for his old club and a good payday.
  12. You’re joking right? I’ll ignore you not including Estonia as a Baltic State as a simple error . Yugoslavia was never part of the Soviet Union and I don’t mean the USSR, it was part a of its sphere of influence through the Warsaw Pact but it was completely separate from Moscow as it was controlled by Tito. Yugoslavia was completely different from the USSR in terms of international relations and the “Iron Curtain” it was a regular holiday destination for westerners long before the collapse of the USSR.
  13. Don’t take life too seriously on here pal it’s 90% banter between fans. The 10% of seriousness will come when we find out who’s the new gaffer.
  14. I’d take Garry O’Connor snorting Coke off a Russian hookers arse over some of the dreadful names I’ve seen linked to us. Joking aside I’ve actually got time for Garry O’Connor as unlike his team mate Riordan he owns his mistakes and seems to be doing a lot of good work at grassroots levels.
  15. Wouldn’t be shocked to see a manager announced before we play K&D on Tuesday as Varna Rover suggests. I don’t think the club will want to hang around and give the new manager as much time as possible before the Ayr game. Absolutely no idea who we’re getting but I just hope it’s not the usual suspects that get linked with every job in Scotland.
  16. I’m definitely a “pistaking cretin” but I couldn’t hear what you wrote
  17. Seems a bit extreme, can they not stay in Glenrothes or maybe Lochgelly, does it have to be Kirkcaldy.
  18. Good win for us as I’d have ripped your arm off for a point before the game with everything that’s happened at Stark’s lately. Thought Thistle played some nice football but was a little surprised by the lack of end product especially with Graham up top who didn’t have a great game, something just wasn’t happening for them and I guess credit to our back line for that. Amazing both teams were most peoples pick for the league this year and we’re not exactly setting the heather alight first two games. I’ve no doubt Thistle will turn it around very shortly as there's some good players in that team. Well done to the Thistle fans always a great backing our end was pretty quiet but I guess we’ve not much to sing about just now until we sort things out in the dugout.
  19. Aye the McMillan club has negotiated a fee with the board and agreed on a fee but the 200 club hasn’t gone back to the board yet as they only had the their AGM yesterday.
  20. Fully understand and the board are looking to get as much revenue as possible through every possible avenue but if the 200 club goes up to £150 (a more than 200% increase) I will not be a member any more and will just go to the Abbotshall or Estuary for a drink before and after the game. I’m already paying a season ticket and 1883 club and I don’t see the value in £150 a year to have a pint a few minutes walk closer to the game. As said before I’m not arsed about Sky Sports or TNT Sports and barely pay attention to the TVs. I’m there for a few beers and some banter with friends and other fans. I fully expect the board will use the current 200 Club as a match day bar with an entrance fee and the 200 club will relocate away from Stark’s Park again.
  21. Not sure the style of play is what the board have looked at, end of the day winning games is what counts and as much as we’d all like to play like Barcelona no one would have cared if we parked the bus against County and won 1-0 with our only attack in 180 minutes. The board were pretty happy with the first half of the season (offering a contact extension) yet we didn’t blow a single team away in the league, but after 9-18 games the other managers start to figure your tactics out and that’s were Murray fell down in my opinion. He wasn’t able to change how we played and due to that McCabe especially as his former player knew exactly how to play against us to which Murray had no answers in several attempts. I think the board had their doubts Murray could adapt his teams way of playing and it’s only a matter of time until the other managers start to figure this out.
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