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San Starko Rover

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Everything posted by San Starko Rover

  1. Goodwillie to Falkirk is a strange one, can’t see Clyde fighting relegation letting their best player go in January unless it’s for decent money or another good player and I’m not sure Falkirk have the cash or a player to tempt them into selling. Unless he has a release if a Full Time team comes in I’d be surprised to see him at Falkirk before the summer.
  2. Is Morelos the dumbest c**t in football, game over and you try to win a penalty while on a yellow card and get sent off for it. [emoji23]
  3. Morelos [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
  4. Boyd’s tear stained melt down [emoji23]like his teams never benefited from a wrong decision
  5. Good going on ticket sales so it's looking like a sell out for the game at both ends. Raith TV for me unfortunately as I have to work. Suspensions are our own fault and the injuries have been bad luck which hopefully will hit the other teams in the league too as the season progresses. Happy to still be top after our selection problems but this league is extremely tight and will surely go to whoever has a bit of luck on the injury front in the second half of the season. Expect a tough game tomorrow and hopefully we've got less of a makeshift defence out on the field otherwise I can't see past an East Fife win. Interesting to see the last 8 games i'd have thought we'd have dropped more points than Falkirk and East Fife with the selection issues we've had so well done to the lads for grinding out results. Hopefully we can get a few players back in January and try to push on.
  6. 50/50 in my experience English nationalism defiantly on the rise and many don't see the irony in wanting out of the EU but not understanding why Scots don't want to remain in the UK. Half the people I know support the Union and think we should all be one country while the other half are down the too wee, too poor, too stupid the media has peddled. You'd never survive without English handouts and you should be grateful. The propaganda from 2014 is effectively backfiring as it was intended to scare Scots into voting no but it's now got many English asking why are they paying for us if we're subsidised, free prescriptions and University etc. This is why the UK will not in my opinion last much longer. Scotland not subsidised = Scotland voting Yes, Scotland subsidised = English nationalists pushing to stop funding it. Either way it's only a matter of time as the two are incompatible. The lack of a positive argument has caused this divide, pre social media they could get away with telling England one thing and Scotland another (see the print media) but now it can't work as it's round the web in minutes.
  7. 1. Sensible option 2. Same issue as ERJFA at tier 6 they’re still geographically overlapping the EOS no mater if it’s Tier 6,7 or potentially 8 also where are Tayside going no boundary shift announced? 3. Rejected unanimously last year stupid to think it could pass this time. 4. Could work if you gave a limited waver on licensing to West clubs but the SPFL want two feeders not three getting them to change anything short notice is unlikely so 2022 at the earliest. Be surprised if they moved the boundary this late into a season so unless Brechin avoid the drop they’re HL next year like Montrose would have been. Also can’t see the LL team they knock out the league taking it on the chin as they were meant to be relegated to the HL and then the goalposts are suddenly shifted relegating a LL team to the EOS or SOS, potential for a legal challenge? There was no move for Montrose when they asked so why would the SPFL do it for Brechin?
  8. Never understood Scottish Labour being so anti independence, Scotland has been Labour for decades and would probably return to them after a Yes vote, I think the SNP would break apart after independence as their common goal would be achieved. As part of the UK Labour will be 2nd most elections as England backs the Tory party even during the Blair years Labour had to move right to win. Until recently most of Scotland would back anyone Labour put up. Surely post independence Labour would be the dominant party in Scotland even with left of centre policies.
  9. It’s an interesting conundrum for Scottish Labour, at the moment Labour is on life support down south and a Labour Westminster government looks a long way off. North of the border it’s even bleaker all but wiped out and 3rd at Holyrood with Tory picking up the hard Unionists and SNP the Nationalists. Are they beginning to realise that Scotland could be a Labour stronghold if it was independent? If Scottish Labour backs independence I doubt a referendum would even be close as their hardcore will vote how the party tells them and that will more than swing the 5%.required to win. The cynic in me questions whether this is an attempt to split the Yes vote in Scotland allowing more Unionist MPs as we’ve seen SLab back the Tory party up here before. I’ll believe they’re serious if they actually breakaway from the Labour Party and stop taking their orders from London otherwise they’ll do what Corbyn and his successors tell them to.
  10. Injuries and suspensions woe is us. Defence is going to be a headache for JM but we’ve only ourselves to blame as both Bene and Davos suspensions were avoidable. Expect a tough game and with our players out I’m glad this is a home fixture. Great to see Hendry back in the mix as he’s class for this level and hopefully no one tries to cripple him this game.
  11. Sorry but for me the HL/LL boundary is about right Inverness, Aberdeen, Dundee (North) Edinburgh, Glasgow (South) the only question is should it be a straight line or run along regional areas. Yes lots of teams that fall in the North would rather it was moved as they'd recruit players more easily but moving it creates a ridiculous imbalance between the two areas akin to the SOS and WRJFA and the Lowland already has far more clubs. The East Juniors understandably want it moved as some teams North of the Tay play in the East Juniors but the East Juniors never played as far south as Tweedmouth and Hawick and it seems unfair to force the Borders teams into further travel to suit a few teams. The NRJFA, NCL, ERJFA (North of tay) and HL need to sit down and work out a structure to feed the HL and let the SOS, WRJFA, EOS and LL work out the best structure to feed the LL. Personally I think the LL should be fed by East and West leagues. The HL should be fed by two leagues split geographically between Inverness and Aberdeen.
  12. Behind the Wall is a decent enough boozer and the local lads were a good bunch last time I was in there, just the normal Falkirk / Fife banter. Take a point right now but Falkirk will be heavy favorites with our injuries and suspensions so if we come away with anything I’ll be delighted. Falkirk not playing great at the moment but they should have enough to see us off at home sadly. Hopefully we can put up a good fight and you never know on the night what can happen.
  13. Assume this too, Davo was having a great game until his moment and I think many had already voted for him.
  14. Can see why all 3 were given to be honest, Davo usual moment of madness. Mathews studs up and Airdrie’s was cynical, had he pulled his shirt it would certainly have been a yellow but as soon as you kick the legs out from someone you give the ref the decision to make and when the other teams a man down he’ll often even it up. One things for certain it wasn’t a dull affair and some decent noise coming from both ends is refreshing. Not sure how we’ve managed to grind out results (could have nicked a last minute winner v Forfar) but getting results when you’ve got injuries and suspensions is a good sign.
  15. Anyone who’s not injured or suspended will probably start next game. We may need to field a couple of training cones too just to get eleven. Aye wouldn’t mind seeing a bit more of Victoria and quite like Gullan and Bowie as the front men, Baird and Allan just not doing it for whatever reason. Frustrating as Baird has done nothing but score against us since he left but can’t seem to buy a goal at the moment.
  16. Any chance of this being 5 a side? Asking for McGlynn
  17. Airdrie fans clear out just in time for the cup final, coincidence! probably be needing their Union Jacks, Bowlers and Sashes today.
  18. Rangers without the bus money [emoji23]. I expected a good team after their run, what a shambles even against 10 they never looked like scoring and as for their GSE wannabes [emoji23]
  19. Well that was the coldest game I’ve been to in a while, I genuinely have Pneumonia and my toes may have fallen off. Played shite and didn’t deserve to win but 3 points is 3 points. Didn’t see the trouble must have just missed it as I was at the station and some lad looked like he’d been smacked by someone. Train home cancelled (cheers Scotrail) took me till after midnight to get back to Northumberland via taxi from Tweedbank. Don’t know who or what started the trouble but there’s no need for it, leave that shite to the Old Firm fuds. We need Hendry back badly for next week our midfield is lost at the moment.
  20. “We played better but lost” [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] Montrose participation trophies all round.
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