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San Starko Rover

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Everything posted by San Starko Rover

  1. The Morton fud Who has an option on everything and no social life?
  2. Be great to have Baird in short term cover us until Vaughn returns
  3. Lets no move the heavy furniture in yet, we're away next weekend
  4. It’s ok there’s a fridge full of bridies the previous lodger has left behind.
  5. Don't see the issue with Edu Sport or Caledonian Braves, they've done everything by the rule book and worked their way to where they are fairly. I don't think it's a great name but the point of a pyramid is any team can enter (that meets the criteria) and find their level. Only time will tell if CB is a good idea and what their level is. I certainly prefer a new team trying this online idea rather than them taking over an already establish team with decades of history as we saw down south with Ebbsfleet United.
  6. Well at least it's different to the Falkirk one. Can't really tell until you see the shirt properly.
  7. Would need a lot more clubs to move over SOSL is too weak and covers too small a geographical area to be a viable option for most West teams, every second game would be down in D&G and if they didn’t get promotion they’d be stuck in a league that’s pretty much amateur. I think it’d only be a viable option if say 8+ clubs moved at once with the SOSL having a conference season like the EOSL. If you had enough clubs willing to make the switch it could work but the WRJFA seem happy to stay where they are for now.
  8. See what this lad is like hopefully a new Marvin Andrews but only time will tell. Think we still need a striker be it P/T or F/T as we look significantly weaker up top without Nisbet and Buchanan
  9. LL won’t increase promotion until there’s an improved SOS or a WOS league as allowing two up currently would mean 1 EOS and 1 SOS and the SOS clubs are too weak to go up and compete and it might hammer them financially.
  10. Rated poorly by the Rovers fans mainly. He had one decent game at Palmerston, if you look back through the last few pages you’ll see most wanted him gone and few were disappointed when he left. Maybe it’ll work out better for him at his next club.
  11. As always this all rolls back to the SFA and their inability to sort out a pyramid. The WRJFA aren't bothered as they believe TJ will sort it out and they'll be in eventually (TJ and IM told them this) it's still a done deal as far as they're concerned if only the EOS would stop being difficult. The SFA should have clearly stated from the start if in the pyramid you are SFA and not SJFA. West clubs would then have 3 options 1. Remain Junior 2. Join SOS 3. Demand a WOS. Now the WRJFA belive they can remain Junior (mon the Grade!) and be in the pyramid. The only waty you'll get them to move is if the SFA clearly state the SJFA will not be in the pyramid at any level but they've not got the balls to do that so TJ will keep his wee empire and continue his misinformation crusade.
  12. Have Bo'ness got floodlights yet? Remember hearing there was damage to the floodlight after the fire but last I had heard they didn't have them?
  13. Yea i guess that puts them in a awkward position but I can't see their fans being happy waiting on TJ sorting it out while peddling his usual gold plated toilets and Tuesdays to Elgin shite. Especially as they're now seeing a former Northern Junior entering the SPFL and two former Eastern Juniors likely to be competing for the Lowland League tittle and a host of new Scottish cup teams they'd consider themselves to be bigger than.
  14. After everything that's happened with the "it's a done deal" proving to be false i'm surprised the Bankies aren't leading the charge to set up a WoS League. Their fans want to return to Senior football ASAP but the SJFA and WRJFA are in no hurry. Interesting to see what's said at the Clydebank AGM after they voted to move.
  15. The SJFA should not be involved in the Pyramid in any shape or form. Agreed there should be one association, madness to have two at tier 6 one of which has been actively against the pyramid until a year ago.
  16. I notice he also says they're relying on the SJFA to get the WRJFA in the pyramid. Amazes me the patience the West teams have for the SJFA there's glaciers that move faster than the SJFA
  17. Yup offer to set up a WOS league, no SJFA involvement do the same for North region. Any licence holders wishing to not join lose their licence and Scottish cup access is granted to SJFA and SAFA cup winner only. SJFA and SAFA teams then have a route to join if they wish, the rest can do whatever they like. No need to pander to the SJFA or SAFA.
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