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Posts posted by Stuartmcneill

  1. Starting to really enjoy this now. Playing a lot of ARAMs.

    Kayle is great, definitely my favourite at the moment. Farming with her E is tremendous. Got my first pentakill with her in a bot match a couple nights ago, which was cool. Ashe continues to be decent enough. In addition to Garen, I got free Alistar and Trystana. I wasn't so hot on Alistar but I've played him a few times more and he's pretty fun, works well on ARAM (in the recent match, I got 2 kills and 24 assists out of the 33 team kills, so he can do work). Trystana is a bit meh but I've only played her once or twice.

    Out of last week's free champions, I liked Annie and Kog'Maw. Gragas and Thresh were decent enough, but I don't think I did too well with them (f**k Minions when you're trying to pull with Thresh).

    I assume people know about this site, http://www.surrenderat20.net/ . Cool site that puts up info as they put it into the code but before they release it. Handy for planning ahead with you're thinking of buying skins or champions.

    League of legends have upto two months in advanced who they have on sale.

    I've seen an ADC Thresh a couple times and they are surprisingly very good but quote difficult to play, however Thresh is a support which should get no kills at all unless the ADC has left Lane.

    If you play tristana, I'd advise going AP simply because I've never been able to beat it before (thats because of the champs I prefer)

    The problem I have with kayle and ashe is that there to slow to begin with and for whatever reason that is really quite annoying.

    However kayle used in the LCS this week was absolutely beast, if your maxed build anyway, shreds people and turrets.

    I play 5v5 more so these may be a bit different.

  2. Ryze is a good champ if you how to play him..

    I learnt the basics with master yi no matter how bad you are, as long as you get a decent number of minion kills you will do good with him.

    Just a heads up, kills aren't everything. It's better to work on objectives. Minions > turrets > dragon/baron > kills.

  3. Let's hope fnatic can pull there finger out and get back to the top.

    After being destroyed at all stars I seriously thought they would have learnt so much, they'd be near impossible to beat.

    However it's also good to see it so close already.

    Anyway, I downloaded the game in season one and I disliked it started again on season four and never looked back.

    Got level 30 on Wednesday and going to start doing ranked soon..

    I play with a couple mates and some don't take it serious enough which annoys me.

    Anyway, if anyone wants a game, add me.

    Ign = Stuartmcneill

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