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Glenmavis Diamond

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Everything posted by Glenmavis Diamond

  1. Nah; Nobody cares whether you rush back or not. You remain bitter and thinking you know best by not bothering to turn up and see for yourself, yet continuing to sprout how defensive the team are going to be. At what point did I say it was not great to watch? I believe I said we didn’t play well but we weren’t terrible either. Really good for 60 mins, but being a 90 min game, we didn’t play well overall. However, winning and scoring 3 goals, which could have been even more, whilst not playing that well? I’ll take that. Knowing we can play even better and can potentially destroy some teams this season? Superb.
  2. I’m confident the team will only get stronger and better with every game. There’s good competition throughout the squad so if someone doesn’t perform, then they drop out, so everyone has to be on their toes. We’ve not had that level of competition for a good while. Yes we need to iron out some blips but in my opinion there are Good times ahead.
  3. What utter nonsense. 3-2 today, hardly defensive. We’ve signed several strikers and attacking wide players who look to get on the ball and take their man on. We have a stronger bench than we have had for years. That’s a mile better than the sh!t we’ve watched in seasons gone by. If thats your idea of a defensive minded manager, I’m fine with that.
  4. We, Airdrie, didn’t play that well today either to be honest. Some decent spells but I am confident we will only get better and some of our main players didn’t start today. Think you’ll do OK due to Goodwillie, but is he got injured..... Defence definitely needs improvements.
  5. Can we all make a pact that if any Montrose fans ask if he’s any good we say aye he’s amazing? Just until we're definitely shot of him. Don’t want to jinx any moves......
  6. I’m genuinely quite happy with the signings so far. I think we have the makings of a really good team. A solid defence, with hard working midfield and front line with pace and power going forward. Cant complain. Plus, I still think we will add another few players, especially once we offload a couple still hanging round. Most of all though, I think I just believe we’ve the right management team in Murray and Millar. The best we’ve had in a good while IMO. Looking forward to the start of the season.
  7. Sensible. Think the majority of fans want to start feeling a bit more upbeat about things and look forward to the new season ahead.
  8. Good on you. I hope you’re a neutral. I hope you’re similar to many fans like myself who are bystanders getting scunnered with the embarrassment of the situation and some people’s posts on FB etc. I also hope you are pro-club and just want to see it thrive and have a winning team in the park. Ultimately that is what any fan should want. To see the team do well.
  9. Practically Every comment you’ve made paints the club as the ones in the wrong or up to no good, so I’m quite sure I know your views. I am neutral in this but fetting fed up of the constant sniping and negativity toward he club. Positive club communications are being shot down by many people who clearly have a bee in their bonnet.
  10. Love how you ignore the rest of the post & just focus on this one bit which can be used to portray the club board in a negative light again. Of course it’s a possibility but your suggestion is purely speculative with absolutely no evidence to back that up. The way I see it, the club and trust have fell out, the club see it as an irreconcilable relationship, therefore have set up their own community trust. Not saying it’s an ideal situation to find ourselves in but I don’t share your conspiratorial views.
  11. This. There’s plenty people caught up in the middle, be it by knowning people in both camps or knowing none in either; just neautrals who want the best for their club. I am one of the latter. Agree though that it’s clear as day on the FB page that some people are inflaming the situation and I fear that it’s gone too far and bridges may have been permanently burnt. Why else would the club set up their own community trust? When legal issues arise and lawyers get involved, it never ends well. Very much seems like a divorce is in process. A very bitter and public one at that.
  12. It was a good thing already being done by the supporters trust so why the need to have everything "in-house". A need to control everything isn't necessarily a good thing, just ask any person in a controlling abusive relationship how that works out for them. It very much looks as if the club felt they no longer had a good relationship with the Trust, therefore they’re setting up their own. If that benefits the club and fans, How is it a bad thing?
  13. What I actually find hilarious is the ones who’ve looked for every possible opportunity to moan about the club, lack of communication, signings etc, who’ve now all but vanished when the good news comes. Can’t even comment on the positives. There’s fickle, but then there’s sheer backwards.
  14. Sounds very promising. In Murray we trust. There’s been plenty moans on the Facebook page recently regarding the current signings lack of experience etc. If we do sign Eckersley, how long do you give it before someone moans that he’s too old?
  15. A slightly more relaxed and positive vibe on this thread over the last 24hrs which makes a pleasant change. Theres a long way to go before the start of next season but I’ve a good feeling about the next couple of weeks in that we will see a few more players leave and some decent signings coming in. Heard some names being mentioned that I’d be happy with. Not inside info per say, more rumours which is why I’m not mentioning said names as Could be total nonsense. However my overarching feeling of positivity comes from my belief that we have the right people in charge and we are starting to see better communication from the club. Those two things alone make me have faith.
  16. How do you know it was £25 more? Or don’t you and you’re just guessing/making shit up? Another example of Airdrie fans looking for any opportunity to get stuck into the club. Yes it’s been years of misery, but let’s not continue to compound this with a preseason of gloom and negativity. Nobody knows if the two new signings will be good or not. Nobody knows who else we might sign. Nobody knows how we will fair next season. However people are quick to judge and say how shit everything is. Depressing as f**k. Hows about we give the management team a fucking chance to sign a full team and see how they do? Crazy idea eh? Back the club? The club we all make out we support? Or should we just continue to make unfounded claims of despair?
  17. We can all pretend/think what we want. heres an idea. Let’s wait until we’ve signed up our whole squad before slating it or making assumptions about it and our budget etc. Let’s see how that idea pans out amongst our patient fan base....
  18. Scandalous. Can’t wait for this drama to be back page of every newspaper, it’s such a terrible and incompetent thing to have happened. *please read the above with a sarcastic tone.*
  19. By rushing in and signing 10 players to appease the fans? Yeah good way to go.
  20. Season has not even fully finished. Cup final was only today and Premier League play off still to finish. So basically there’s still a whole close season to go, yet some fans are still panicking. Mental.
  21. So you have to have heard of him for him to maybe be decent? Great post.
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