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Everything posted by kingjoey

  1. If we take one of your points in isolation. You will not give anyone credit for appointing Derek McInnes as our manager, because the club have appointed poor managers in the past. You really have to move on man. And if any Aberdeen supporter thinks that we will sell anything like 25,000 tickets for a semi final in Glasgow, they need their head examined. When has that ever happened? The club have to be seen to get the best deal for the fans, but the fans will not respond. I’ll be there as usual along with about 12/15,000 others.
  2. Ok, even going along with your conspiracy theories, why should we not be going all out to get things changed for the better now. It’s a fairly daft concept to just lie down now, because we’ve always lain down in the past. It is an important time in our history. So, let’s at least get behind this rather than the usual easy way out “let’s have a go at the board”. Jeez.
  3. So we do nothing? Just leave this shambles of a disciplinary seeson to trundle on and continue to get shafted? I don’t think so. As I’ve said, what we have or haven’t done in the past may be shameful, but this is the here and now. Given everything that has happened in the last couple of weeks, you think we have a board with no balls?
  4. So your attitude is to do nothing now, because we did nothing a few years ago. Can’t change the past.
  5. Brilliant photo! Thanks for that. (I’m not one of those who says that you only post Celtic related stuff, although I suppose it could be Celtic on the pitch with AFC)
  6. I was in that stand for a Scottish Cup tie in 1982, and it was definitely bench seating as in that photo.
  7. You have to scrape through the bottom of the barrel to the outside to reach this guy.
  8. You’re right, it was 3 seasons. Whoever thought it was a good idea to put this paragon of virtue in our country’s Hall Of Fame? Aside from the things that he did on the pitch that he should be ashamed of, and no, I’m not referring to the “hilarious” yellow card incident, and the things off the pitch that he should be ashamed of, he also in effect knocked our national side out of Euro 96. Can the Scottish public not appeal this? No To Kingsford could get behind it.
  9. It really is a joke. I think that the compliance panel should have a look at this.
  10. Dearie me. So you lost to a team on Sunday because of the pitch, the officials and the fact that you couldn’t play football.
  11. Now you say that, I can see it. Also there appears to be a burn running along the right hand side of the photo. Does that fit in with Fir Park?
  12. The worrying thing is that these people are walking amongst us.
  13. BBC website reporting that Gascoigne to be inducted into Scottish football’s Hall Of Fame.
  14. That was a fantastic season. I was lucky enough to be at every match in the goalless run, including the last goal before it started at Paisley and Pat Stanton’s rocket that finished it at Easter Road.
  15. Superb! When we were playing into the King Street End, we always stood beside the pillar to the left of the goal as you looked at the pitch.
  16. That is my favourite photo of Joe. I was in his eyeline as he celebrated his hat trick in a 7.0 win against Cowdenbeath in the league in December 1970.
  17. Also in the quote, Doncaster says that there are only two free midweeks between now and the split in April, which will be used to play the matches postponed for the semi finals and the final. So if there are any Scottish Cup replays, or matches postponed because kf weather problems, I take it these will never be played? Why has no one queried him on this, as it’s obviously total garbage (unless Rangers and Celtic both make the Europa League Final, presumably)
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