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Posts posted by sjm89

  1. After the show went off the air, as mentioned in a previous report, Cena sat in the ring (and I think he was actually tearing a bit) and then shot off his mouth and then when Cena made the comment about the "You Can't Wrestle" chants, the crowd went crazy (with the boo's and "You Can't Wrestle" and "Cena Sucks" Chants)...Most of the audience, when he pointed the mic at the sections were VERY ANTI-CENA!..after he said the whole "I sure as hell can fight", he said something like "I'm gonna kick each of those sons of bitches in the ass!" or something like that (my friend next to me definitely heard him say "ass" and I definitely heard him call the NXT Rookies/Faction "Sons of Bitches". SO MUCH FOR THE SPOKESPERSON FOR WWE'S RIDICULOUS "PG" RATING! (Or does that not count because it was off the air?) I think that was crap because there were a lot of kids still in the arena and if you're gonna be strict about the PG rating, why do you release Daniel Bryan for a "PG-13" move(s) and yet Cena will most likely not even be given a slap on the wrist? SHAME ON YOU, WWE! He then stormed off, slammed the microphone and then Justin Roberts thanked the audience for coming to the PPV.

    I also wanted to point out that I genuinely think that John Cena was really pissed off at the crowd in attendance...there was A LOT of heat on him all night, and his comment to the crowd about the "You Can't Wrestle" chants, tied in with the response when he surveyed the crowd with the mic, as well as slamming down the mic and storming off...I think really made him angry. After the show, when the superstars were exiting the arena, when John Cena came out, he just walked right on the bus...he didn't stop to sign autographs or take pictures or anything...very unlike Cena...maybe the Long Island Loudmouths got the best of John Cena!

    Hmmmmm intresting.

  2. Aint she a Knockout tag champ?

    However I thoroughly enjoyed Impact last night on Bravo, the screwjob thing worked well as its got people talking. Kurt wont go to WWE but there is an element of mystery over who screwed Angle...

    Yeah she is.

    Here is the full article

    -- As reported earlier, Awesome Kong has given notice to TNA with the multi-time champion herself confirming said reports during a live video stream this afternoon. It should be noted that her decision to hand in her notice may not necessarily be as a result of her heated encounter with Bubba the Love Sponge earlier this week, but rather, the company's upcoming tour of Europe.

    "I told TNA that I would think about it," Kong said during a live video stream of the company's request for her to go on the European tour. "All they had to do is wait 10 minutes."

  3. According to various sites, there is Heat on her from Hogan for it, but the locker room is 100% behind her... p45 coming then

    From what i have heard she has handed her notice in and left the company. Even announced it on some live stream.

  4. How long till HHH comes back and we have evoloution v legacy

    I see that RAW next week may be cancelled due to the Denver Nuggets playing the LA Lakers in the playoffs on the same night in the same arena thats one big cock up!!!

  5. Me too. In the last three weeks, my nearly 17-year-old cat has survived an ecoli infection in her bladder and being hit by a car.

    Defo thought it was the end after the latter but she improved over a couple of days and although she still couldn't walk properly, and the vet let her home to see how she'd get on.

    First thing she did when she got in the house? Hopped up the stairs and somehow scrambled up on to the top bunk in my daughter's bedroom.

    I'm sure she's not got long but glad I've not had to let her go yet.

    Just had my cat put down she was 16 pure wee blighter had a tumour in her eye! her sister doesn't know where shes gone she just sits at her food bowl feeling sorry for herself.

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