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Everything posted by PWL

  1. Have seen that account questioned a number of times. Consensus seems to be it's a group of people or bot. Something like 40k tweets in a year.
  2. Telling a medical professional how to treat patients is a punchy call - even for this thread.
  3. If the current rate is 22-25 on mainly GP + Louisa Jordan and the bigger vaccination hubs are soft opening now for roll out the 1st then I think that's certainly achievable.
  4. No idea what he's done now but worthy of a Greenie on sentiment alone.
  5. Or moved to Germany and played behind closed doors.
  6. For what's worth, my cynical view is that they are using this as an 'excuse' for being so badly caught out in the second wave. They'll say the reason for the excess deaths and infections down south is this deadly super strong variant. Not Boris and Co fecking around about the whole Christmas thing.
  7. From today's FT in an article on how Wales has struggled this time around. Maybe, just maybe, SG were right to put limitations in when they did......
  8. Taking this thread down another path I know (as if it wasn't already).... but Ive always thought BTP must be one of the worst jobs ever. A constant stream of drunks, suicides and fannies trying to avoid their fares.
  9. I only started using Compare the Market after a ridiculous premium jump from Aviva after a good few years with them. I now never renew and shop around when it comes to existing policy running out. Yes it's half an hour's work but the savings are mental. And that is when sticking to household name insurers. Some of the smaller ones are even cheaper. Worth doing it for all your insurance products at renewal and not just vehicle. TL:DR never auto renew.
  10. This. I work for a medium sized company (1,500 employees 15 UK offices.). The funds saved with the lack of travel, hotels and expenses for meetings and training courses is mind blowing even at our wee regional office level. The corporate travel sector will be a fraction of what it was after this.
  11. Thankfully we are seeing a concerted push against the Facebook maw and Twitter anti-vax/ it's just 'flu/5G morons. Damage has been done I know but long may it continue to get vax numbers up.
  12. This thread finally inspired me to delete my Facebook and Instagram over the weekend. Even though I barely used either, it's a liberating feeling as others have said.
  13. Oi, @Glen Sannox Come take your dad home. He's drunk and making a fool of himself again.
  14. To be fair, you could be describing me and my ability to WFH right there.
  15. Based on my kids school, I don't think much planning has gone on anyway so won't make much difference.
  16. One guess as to which team young Darren supports......
  17. Could it be a siskin? Or even a greenfinch?
  18. You better no be mocking are brave troops of the BRITISH Army, by the way. #kbf
  19. Has to have a obituary in order to get the points on P&B dead pool. Priorities.
  20. I joined P&B in August 2003. In that time there have been plenty of folk I've utterly disagreed with, especially on this thread when tensions can run high, but I've never had the need to mute or block anyone. Until this morning.
  21. That's standard. There is a post jag 15 min monitoring in case there is a reaction.
  22. As noted by @Ned Nederlander the British Army entered the war in cloth caps with most Scottish regiments wearing glengarry hats. Germans wore the caps shown in pic as well as the classic pikelhaube spiked helmet. However, they were made of leather and were more ceremonial and offered next to no protection. And if you think that's bad, the French uniform in Aug 1914 included bright red trousers.....
  23. From my Dads discussion with the practice nurse at GPs this morning - big roll out this weekend for the under 80 categories using sports halls etc but coordinated by the practice. Lots of GPs going to be doing big weekend pushes to allow the everyday stuff to function as much as is possible in current situation.
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