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Everything posted by PWL

  1. My vote for poster of the year would be @Britney Spears for their sparkling contributions to break up the constant bickering on the Covid thread. Proof that less is more.
  2. Rememberencing ain't just for Poppy Day you know. Celebrate are brave lads and the Christmas Truce™ with this tasteful acrylic masterpiece - "Tommy United 1914".
  3. Woke up to a similar text today. Apparent contact on Thursday when I'd gone into office for a few hours. Nearest person to me at work is a minimum of 20 m away so could even be someone on different floor. Only other thing I can think of is train for 10 mins. Ironic when my Mrs is a mental health nurse who's been doing shifts in red wards. Only plus is that, as a weegie, I wasn't going anywhere anyway.
  4. Is there a way to set this thread to mute every contribution with the exception of @superbigal? P&Bs own John King.
  5. Just lobbing these bad boys into the mix to watch the festive seethe.
  6. Questioning the accuracy and impartiality of the Samaritans - a charity who's sole purpose is suicide prevention - is a pretty punchy call even for this thread.
  7. Thanks to @annachinn he doesn't even need to say it anymore. He can just get a hoodie made up with it printed on it. In a variety of colours too.
  8. This is me. I fully appreciate that Covid has been an absolute hell for some folks MH. However, it's allowed me to avoid in laws 50th anniversary get together, a family wedding, going into the office and best of all - just me, Mrs and kids for Christmas. Quite frankly, I've had a good lock down.
  9. Worst photo in the history of this thread but I was trying to get mobile to zoom in before it took off and it didn't focus. Anyway, we couldn't tell if it was a sparrowhawk or a young Buzzard. Was too dreich to see if there was the orangish Sparrowhawk breast and was only there for a few seconds. We back onto farmland and regularly see and hear buzzards but just not sure. Interestingly, our usually busy bird feeders were quiet for the next hour.
  10. Agree. At lot of what you are seeing now came as a result of the second Gulf war. Clearly unpopular with public at the time, there was a deliberate move by Gov to push the American style 'Back our Boys' to avoid criticism of the war. Remembrance went from a couple of quid in the poppy tin and quiet reflection of our grandparents sacrifice etc into full on Gammon Fest very quickly.
  11. I've been pleasantly surprised by the quality of the streams. Well done @sarti pooh & Co. Picture is pretty decent on a laptop and the tracking of the ball is fine. It struggles a bit with corners sometimes but nothing that's going to cause too much of an issue. Same with the sound & pic being a touch out of sync. The addition of graphics and text looks good and will hopefully aid getting a wee bit more match sponsorship too. Is there scope for the P&B Sons Sorrow regulars to chip in a tenner each to sponsor a game?!
  12. Standside linesman isn't the most athletic looking of officials...
  13. Given her posting history, I'd say @RH33
  14. Nearly a page in and no one has said 'Yur Maw'. Quite frankly, I'm disappointed in you P&B. Dissapointed.
  15. Alas. Not just En-gur-land. Ibrox poppy fest to celebrate "are troops" is up there with the very worst.
  16. Paton was one of those players you really wanted to do well but was, quite frankly, pish. McCabe signed Dobbie and that act alone means I won't hear a bad word against him.
  17. I also get the impression that the EIS dont have much support outwith the teaching profession either. Rightly or wrongly, the "10%" raise exhausted a lot of goodwill amoung the public. Even the recent statement they put out about teachers and their Oct staycations was hardly going win sympathy in current situation. Hell, I'm still bitter about never getting to play football or run for my school due to the 80s strikes...
  18. Twitter Gammons all cracking one off over the use of special forces. "Are lads is the best in the world, so they is. "
  19. I use my Kindle for fiction but still like a physical book I can easily refer back to if non fiction.
  20. RE the more modern building phenomenon. Peel Street in Glasgow is another famous example. Across from the cricket ground. Sadly, 50 folk were killed when bomb hit the block during Clydeside blitz.
  21. Aye my local 4 in 1 place of choice have launched their own app. Advertised prices are same but they apply a 10% discount at checkout.
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