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Everything posted by PWL

  1. This. We look much stronger with him there.
  2. I appreciate it was against a pish Elgin side but the way Del ghosted past players in the promotion clincher was sublime. No only lightening quick but the ball was always under control too.
  3. Honorary membership for Boris Becker surely after he pumped that bird in the broom cupboard and got her up the duff? Even if she was a 2/10. #LAD #onit #CSA #bagitandbinit
  4. Last time we played Hibs at home was a 0-0 draw Scottish Cup draw mid Eighties was it not? Hopefully they'll bring a few through and we make a bit if cash even if it is a very early start to preseason diddy matches.
  5. So first team wise what do we still need? Sub goalie, centre half, target man forward?
  6. Couldn't hit a barn door when back at The Rangers. I suppose he was playing beside Third Division players though. He looked ok when at a decent SFL1 side....
  7. I'd imagine Andy will go to a F/T side in the division. That said, I'm impressed that we've been able to sign the likes of Smith and McGinn. I know the club will be hoping for a major increase in funding through league reconstruction but I don't see us splashing too much cash. Given the size of our current support, season tickets sales and player sponsorship will only go so far! Think the kit was a 3 year season job.
  8. We're all a bit bored now ain't we. And this is with the season only finished 2 days ago. Still, the Scott Barrowman one showed ingenuity.
  9. Smashing piece of business. Well done to all concerned.
  10. ***cough*** *** Tam McManus *** ***cough***
  11. A touch harsh. Clearly you never saw Willie Cairns.... On Phinn - he needs to last more than 9 mins a game to justify any sort of contract.
  12. Sad to see Nicholl go but no shock. Don't think he kicked a ball for us last year due to that injury/being loaned out? His utter butchery and dominance of Josh Falkingham in last years first leg play off remains a thing of beauty.
  13. Different player under Murray. Up till Christmas I don't think he'd managed to go past his man once. Since the change he's been brilliant. A real threat going forward and working hard to track back. A good start to the rebuilding for next year.
  14. IMHO walk up prices are waaaaaay too high. Not DFCs fault but it hardly encourges someone to head down to the Rock or any other ground on a whim. In terms of discounts to that price though, the season tickets remain decent. Last year was much cheapness at £149 so this year is a wee bit more but still well worth it.
  15. Praise that's well deserved. Puts in a power of work every game. Maybe not the most elegant of players but decent pace and took his goals ever so well on Tuesday. Actually surprised he didn't score more this year.
  16. Also wonder if they were hoping for a super duper top 16 that Pars would join if they were top 4 in SFL1.
  17. Geggan will do a good job for you. Nothing spectacular but hard worker with a bit of skill and will chip in a few goals too. Good luck to him.... Bar the games against us.
  18. On the Saturday we've got the Aussies, NZs & Windies along with ourselves in the Brit Oval. I can see Scotland only being offered a similar amount of tickets as a result. I've registered with the ECB site but there's been nothing through from Cricket Scotland.
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