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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Bought the MG and it is tremendous
  2. @Hedgecutter why the new avatar? The old one was a classic.
  3. Aw man. Just realised I've been whooshed.
  4. Not for me. He challenged Alonso for the 2006 title, winning 7 races, then retired. When he came out of retirement a few years later he was a shadow of his former self.
  5. What is his stance on monacles and Star Trek badges?
  6. His maw is called Felix? I only ever met one actual Felix in real life, and he went to school with Scott. Wore a monacle and had loads of Star Trek badges on his blazer.
  7. This makes me happy, that it happened, and sad, because Cleese has gone gammon.
  8. Had a case last month where the student's ChatGPT answer included "let's use Python to answer this". In the hearing, on teams, he was asked what Python was. I shit you not, on screen he picked up the phone and started typing. Clueless. He probably saw a lot of snake images that day (kenneth.gif).
  9. I have wondered both what extras say, and what actors say when "whispering" in each other's ears. I was hoping for something far smuttier than Rhubarb tbh.
  10. My folks grew rhubarb for decades. At this time of year we're all eating it non stop. Jams, crumbles, stewed...
  11. A day for cremations. My good pal who passed away a fortnight ago, and my mum's cousin both were cremated today. Raising a glass tonight.
  12. Schumacher peaked in the early 2000s. I'd match him against 2010s Hamilton. But fair point.
  13. @Miguel Sanchez Judson Scott was in the X files.
  14. On the first, it wasn't a gotcha question. I just wanted to know what the consensus here is. On the second, I would suggest something that actually brings people on to your side rather than pissing off masses. Ultimately these folk should stand for elected office. (and yes, we need PR). Put pressure on the decision makers.
  15. The last 3 books I have read have had typos. Where are the editors?
  16. One last thought before turning in for the night. What would be an appropriate sentence in the eyes of more lenient posters here? No "well not this" cop outs, put figures in for jail time/ fines.
  17. It isn't the cause under discussion but the actions. I'm no libertarian. But people were harmed by these actions (plural)
  18. I disagree in this instance. This isn't someone throwing orange powder over a snooker table (as annoying as that was). Jamming up the roads affects emergency services too. Plus, as said above, how regular folk are severely affected.
  19. Imagine, for a second, that you are one of the people missing cancer treatment, or seeing a loved one for one last time, or missing an exam, because of these people. This wasn't someone standing outside a building holding a placard. This affected real people in tangible ways.
  20. When you get to that age, it's difficult to keep it in.
  21. Allow me to play devil's advocate This, plus the ringleader causing ructions during the trial didn't help.
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