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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. This could go in the uni thread I guess... But for any student suffering from depression, all places have personal tutors and excellent wellbeing services. Students are often reluctant to use these but they really should. This is the part of my job I rarely discuss here. But academics have seen and dealt with pretty much everything, including some utterly horrific stuff. Since the pandemic hit the most common issue by far is student mental health. It has exploded in terms of numbers, so unis have loads of experience dealing with and helping students. Not just navigating academic processes but actually helping their wellbeing also. In short, reach out.
  2. I can offer 2.5%...or trade your pay rise for what is in this mystery box
  3. A couple of things here. First, Tarry. He openly tried to get sacked. Reported in the media that he is being deselected in his seat and is angling to be nominated at a neighbouring seat. Being a "pro union martyr" is his way to do this. He was sacked for a TV interview, not joining the picket line. Others in the shadow cabinet joined and were not sacked. Second, strikes are dangerous for Labour. Many in the public don't trust them to deal with strikes. The approach that they support a settlement is right, but they need to attack the government more for not negotiating. Finally, Labour demonstrate again their self destructive abilities. Tories tearing themselves apart, and this muppet decides that now is the time to pull this shit. Same happened in 2016 when Cameron resigned. Tories in free fall, a chance for Labour to make an impression and the right of the party triggered an unnecessary leadership contest. I am no Corbyn fan but that was his window and the party shafted him.
  4. Away from the finances, the interesting case of Sam Tarry, a Labour spokesman who joined a picket line. Some odd stories going about that he is trying to get sacked. He is getting deselected from his seat and is apparently angling to come across as a martyr for the unions to land a neighbouring seat.
  5. Apart from your post minutes previous when you said those earning 35k and above should be limited to 2%. No - he said folk earning above £35k should enjoy the warm embrace of 0%. Those struggling to stuff wads of cash into their wallets after a massive 2% hike are those earning less than £35k.
  6. Middle aged guys talking about a middle aged woman who voluntarily publishes online nude images of herself.
  7. Mick Lynch must be crying his eyes out that he hasn't got your endorsement here. Plus - folk on £35,001 volunteering a pay rise of 0% when inflation is running at about 10%. What person in their right mind would accept that? And why should they accept such a huge hit to their finances? Inflation will come back down - but prices won't. They'll just creep up more slowly than they are now.
  8. Gotcha. On low pay / asking for below inflation wage rises = good guys. Everyone else = do one.
  9. When it comes to a bit of violence, nobody beats The Donald. From about 55 seconds in...
  10. Why do you have such a beef with train drivers? Why are police/council workers more deserving?
  11. I got a telling off for one of my predictions...
  12. One of my parent's friends had a stroke 2 months ago. He is still very, very unwell. Even now his wife is allowed to visit for only 45 minutes per say, and must book in advance when she goes. All because of Covid.
  13. If her football career is over, maybe Hope Solo could start a new life as a porn star. She could work with Ian Botham and his corpse-knob to create some truly horrific scenes.
  14. Looking for a real human reaction to something unexpected? Something like Rishi Sunak lamping a Sun reader from the audience would liven up these debates.
  15. Watched this yesterday with the wife, and this was my take away. This guy is just so immature it's unreal.
  16. A very well crafted 50 minutes of TV. The sheer quality of this show is astounding.
  17. Not if it's lying in the middle of a field 60 feet away from the rest of the body, no.
  18. I'm not disagreeing, just watching the rage.
  19. They could never follow someone with these pint-pouring skills. Just woeful.
  20. I reckon the ERG in the Tories is like the lefties in the Labour parliamentary party - lots of noise and creating a lot of fear, but in reality still a fairly small minority.
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