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Everything posted by Daz80

  1. Disliking every post i make What a big baby you are. Get yourself to bed big man.
  2. This is what I mean when I said you slaver some shite.
  3. Apart from Bert Herdman, McGlynn was our manager for longer than anyone else, you don’t be a manager for 10 years at a club and not get the sack if you aren’t a good manager. He will always be a rovers man in my book. Btw do you actually go to the games? Can’t recall ever seeing you in years down at starks or any away game.
  4. Bending the knee, don’t be so dramatic. I’ll clap him before the game, him and Paul smith. Proper rovers men with a lot of history. That one signing that the board sanctioned won’t change that. Now the tactics are dull you are saying, not inept. You really do slaver some shite at times.
  5. So who was the tactical geniuses we’ve had then? Or just going to reply with shite gifs?
  6. Then so be it. I don’t need anyone’s approval to clap for who i want. He was brilliant for us in both spells.
  7. Snake suggests he find the dirty on us, nothing of the sort, he was wanting to stay. Tactics collapsing, aye ok Pep, who was the master tactical genius weve had in your time supporting the rovers? I’ll be clapping him when he returns to starks with Falkirk. Probably the best manager we’ve had since Jimmy Nichol.
  8. Embarrassing yourself and boring everyone else.
  9. Still got loads of issues of SB and 27/11 in the loft, maybe all of them. Being the same age as you, I preferred 27/11 as it was much more childish and daft. SB was the cleverer big brother that went to Uni, where 27/11 dossed about in the pub. Both a great read, think John Greer used to contribute to one of them, forget which.
  10. Just on centre half’s, am i right in saying O’Reilly hasn’t played for Patrick yet? Seems to be an unused sub in every league game as far as i can see. Never checked the cup game against Livingston though.
  11. From a footballing decision only anyway. But aye knew that was coming.
  12. Took it as a wind up, since it was possibly the most baffling thing a manager has done at the rovers in recent memory. There’s been plenty loans similar since then afterall.
  13. Not seen this guy since he made a tit of himself and ran away for a while.
  14. Think it’s the way they found out rather just downing tools because they are not getting a new contract.
  15. That’s it, no looking for trouble, just a stupid way of showing my passion. Being drunk and daft doesn’t help my cause.
  16. I’ve not mentioned as i don’t really post on here at all, but when someone says i should get a kicking then that pronted me. You have commented on loads of stuff bar this.As it happens I did actually private message the lads dad last night on twitter to make sure he was ok.
  17. Yeah i might have got away from him a few years ago, but not these days!
  18. Well rightly or wrongly i was carried away at the goal, excuse or not. Was it stupid? Course it was, i know this, I looked like a fanny but lets not make it out to be something it’s not. It was a celebration, don’t think I’ve noticed you mention the attack on the fan outside the ground.
  19. That old guy was me, admittedly I’m really far too old to be carrying on like that, sometimes i get carried away though. But you sound like a right Tory w****r calling fans with pyros minks and asking for me to be giving a kicking because I ran on the pitch. Feel free to message me if you want to deliver justice since the steward never.
  20. I’ve got no issues with other fans calling us Raith but one of my pet hates is hearing our own fans can us that. Noticed quite a lot of younger fans do.
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