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phasma ex machina

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Posts posted by phasma ex machina

  1. Speaking of lost posts, I seem to have mislaid the one where I gave The_Kincardine my prediction for the Albion Rovers game.

    I said Rovers would take an early lead The Rangers would force a late equaliser to take it to a replay, which Rovers would then win courtesy of a disputed penalty.

    I made the prediction on the day of the East Fife V The Rangers game just after predicting the penalty award.

    If anyone knows the whereabouts of said post, could they let me know as I would like to collect my prize. :)

    Damn visions.

    Oh oh, here we go again.... Albion Rovers take lead at Ibrox, The Rangers equalise mid-way through second half but Rovers hold out to force a replay.....

    Albion Rovers win replay 1-0 courtesy of a hotly disputed penalty that results in Lee McCulloch being sent off.......

    Aberdeen and Rovers are paired together for semi-final at Ibrox...........

    The Dons do the job properly and scud Rovers 6-0..........

    Oh my head hurts now.....

  2. Not being funny, but I'd just assumed the loan was bound to be repaid via season ticket income.

    Where else would it have come from?

    Don't season tickets comprise Rangers only real source of serious cash anyway?

    The loan was surely just a bridging type arrangement anyway, to enable them to continue until ST time, was it not?

    I genuinely don't understand why this 'news' amounts to a revelation. Can anyone explain it?

    Because it smells of Ticketus all over again.

    Having been late to the realisation party over the conning, they don't want to be late again, even though they are.

    The staunch berz feel the same about the Season tickets as they do about the keys to Ibrox. Problem is, as you said, it is their main source of income (except for a share issue perhaps , or the :king , both of which kill them).

    Spending the Seasons cash when it is in = fine , mortgaging them again is not.

  3. Were I to be a visitor to the above site I may suggest "former crook" as a potentially legal description of the man and alternative title. For the collective duo, "businessmen with income of unknown origin" may also be correct.

    But I'm not so they can work it out for themselves.

    It ran to a couple of pages afore being culled , very entertaining.

    As is the thread on Charlie saying he was worth double what they paid him :D :D


    and his sky interview


  4. Nae sure why a 'bear' would be posting that?

    Is something wrong at the big hoose?

    't imesthey are a changing'' on the swamp..

    the latest purler

    post_new.gif Today, 22:32
    1st Team Regular
    Join Date: 30-10-2009
    Posts: 1,848
    icon1.gifHow would you describe the easdales in a non defamatory way
    Recent lawyers letters have quite correctly informed us that we can't call them the Kray's(as clearly they are not) or describe the bold Sandy as a crook (as his conviction is spent).

    So what non-defamatory words can we use for these gentlemen?

    I think ugly, retarded neds is ok as it's opinion but I'm no legal expert so I would welcome follow follow's opinion.

  5. I'm sure he feels much better now he's outed himself as just another SevCo cash whore. This "I only pay money to watch football every week..." pish never really rang true. :rolleyes:

    *Insert Abba - Money Money Money YouTube link here*

    Anyhoo.... off now with two of my daughters to visit the family in Lino-town and take in the big early kick-off tomorrow. 8)


    The winner takes it all

    Dum dum diddle



    The King has lost his crown :D :D :D

  6. Re the overdue accounts for the club, a bear has had a reply..


    Thank you for your email. Both we and our external auditors have been working hard on all of the various historic accounts to bring us up to date. The RFC filing with Companies House will take place within the next few days and the interim accounts will be sent out before the end of this month. Going forward our intention is that all financial statements should be produced professionally and on time.

    Regarding your comments about the Company Secretarial role, we appointed Philip Nash as the interim Company Secretary for Rangers International Football Club. This now seems to us to be working well, so we have asked him to also become the interim Company Secretary for Rangers Football Club Limited, which he has agreed to do. I stress that this is an interim solution. There are a number of possibilities forthe final solution for the Company Secretary role, depending on the experience and capabilities of the person we recruit to be responsible for the Finance area. Another option is to out-source this function to a specialist company and we have spoken to such providers. Whichever route we choose, will be driven by our desire for good corporate governance, balanced by the costs of the various alternatives.

    Thank you once again for your email.


    David Somers Chairman
    Rangers International Football Club"

    Next few days + end of the month for 'interims' - we shall see...

  7. From the Rangers Substandard

    Following an email to a fan from Colin Kingsnorth of Laxey last night in which he reportedly stated that “if they want to offer the money cheaper go for it…no problem cancelling it”, George Letham, the Rangers fan and wealthy businessman who had previously tried to make contact to offer a loan, today approached the club through a third party and has complied with a request that he make any offer in writing to CEO Graham Wallace.

    Speaking to the Rangers Standard, Mr Letham indicated that he was happy to stand by the terms he outlined in our article yesterday.

    “Graham Wallace is now in receipt of written confirmation that I am happy to replace the Laxey loan, on condition that it is cancelled, with no penalty to the club, and that any security over property offered to Laxey is also cancelled. I have offered the loan on the same terms but with the interest payable reduced from £150,000 to £75,000. It is my intention to convert this interest into shares as I have no wish to take cash out of the club.”

    “If the club are unable to convert the interest to shares, then any cash sum I received from the loan would be reinvested into the club via a future share issue to further the cause of fan ownership. My only motivation in this is to ensure that the club is secure, has as much involvement as possible from those who care about it and that its vital assets remain available to it at all times.”

    “I am making this offer public in the hope that a degree of transparency can be brought to this process for the fans and hope that the board will give my offer due consideration.”

    :D this will show the spivs to be spiffing spivs when they tell him to do one.

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