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Posts posted by Crùbag

  1. 1 hour ago, Tommy Tappin said:





  2. On 11/07/2024 at 17:28, Hoose Rice said:

    It was the opposite of the Rocky f**k up.  Rocky played too many games so got a contract, we wanted to make sure Le Fondre wasn't so told him he wouldn't play to trigger this.   

    There's 7 weeks left of the transfer window, plenty time to find a goal scorer.   Vente scored plenty before he joined us too.   It's not ideal but we were getting rid of Le Fondre and Hanlon/Stevenson because they wanted to cut down the age of the squad, nae point doing that then signing a 32 year old on a three year contract. 



    I still think you'll regret not getting Murray. He's been getting the goals for 2 seasons now and there's no reason to think he can't continue for another two at least. As for me, that's fine as he's bound to get a goal or two against us, Dundee being something of a bogey team for us anyway and Docherty being a decent manager.

  3. 3 hours ago, Tony Wonder said:

    Read that interview earlier and thought it was very poor. Not like he was about to trigger an extra year or something and they wanted him to waive it, asking him to give up an already agreed year just to play is not a great look.

    Sounds like this year's gaffe after last year's "Thank you to Rocky Bushiri for his services. Hibs wish him well in his career." before finding out they'd already triggered a clause for his continued employment.

    As to Murray - he's shown his quality in the last two seasons for a club in a relegation battle. If Hibs really didn't want him, I'd be asking WTF not? Have they signed any other notable goal scorers?


  4. 34 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

    You missed off three figures in your Social Housing stat: 6510 between 1997 and 2010:


    And you are buying the Tory trope that GB Energy won't actually 'produce any energy'

    Don't think the Tories are likely to slap VAT on Private Schools, tax oil and gas profits, nationalise rail, set up Breakfast clubs in every school, have a Workers Rights Charter, end hire and fire etc.

    As far as Private Provision in the NHS is concerned, as we know, the SNP shuffled £850 million into Private Healthcare provision recently, with Neil Gray wanting 'more'. Freezing Council Tax to appease the middle-class,and starve local govt of funding, Kate Forbes calling for more foreign 'investment' to buy up Scottish assets, and of course slashing public services to the bone for a decade with Independence...all very 'left-wing' right enough.

    I'm going by what Starmer said. So Tory trope? Aye.

  5. 12 hours ago, Jedi2 said:

    Given its a Forum with around 95% SNP support, I am hardly trying to 'persuade' people to vote for an alternative party...views are entrenched.

    I believe the Labour Party to be centre-left, both in the past, and today. Is it outrightly 'Socialist'? No, but it does still pursue policies and values which are compatible with Socialism, again in the past and also in the present eg

    Rail Nationalisation 

    VAT on Private Schools

    Taxing Oil and Gas profits

    A Nationally Owned Energy Company

    Workers Rights (hire and fire, zero hours, enhancing Trade Union Rights and legislation)

    Tackling violence against women and girls

    Properly funding the NHS

    Massive house building programme 

    Going after tax avoidance by non-doms and large corporations

    Taxing property developers profits

    Each and every one of these is on the 'left' of the spectrum. Not calling for a full scale renationialisation of all industries while 'disappointing' doesn't mean it had moved entirely to the 'right' or abandoned the general ethos of a left-wing party.

    No party is 'perfect', believe it or not (not even the SNP). You can only vote for who you think represents the best interests of the majority of people 

    Labour left-wing? Aye right.

    Many of your points are debatable and the Tories would say similar. Indeed, as to the NHS, they want to "improve" but giving more of it away to private pirates. As to housing ,they built exactly 6 social-houses during their last stint in power. Yon GB Energy won't generate anything but will just give yet more public money to private sharks.

  6. 23 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

    I’m happy to see Labour doing anything (nothing) in Clacton if it means more folk will vote Tory and keep Farage out.

    That's understandable but given both Labour and Tory didn't engage Farage at the debates, it's fair to assume they share more common ground than they should.

    Moreso given Starmer's recent outburst about Bangladeshis at a Sun debate.



  7. 2 hours ago, Cheese said:

    He posted something with a homophobic tone 10 years ago when he was 17. 

    He should clearly have his contract cancelled now.

    It was tongue in cheek, for the most part.

    Still don't think it's a good look for Hibs - more than most clubs given their origins - after numerous instances of racist abuse from Hibs fans and players. We all have moron fans but Hibs actively employing bigots is a bit shit, am referring to the likes of Grittiths and Riordain IIRC. As to Malky Mackay, he may be a reformed character but he certainly wasn't a daft 17yo when he made those comments and is probably only sorry because he got caught and it affected his career.

  8. 1 hour ago, Highlandmagar said:

    Love a hung parliament with SNP largest party in Scotland. The laughter at Starmer's expense would be joyous.



    Would be best for Scotland and democracy. A counterweight to Starmer's right-wing dogwhistle Tory-continuity politics.

  9. Labour FFS... they should be opposing the likes of Farage at every given opportunity, not appeasing the odious fckr.



    Members of Clacton’s constituency Labour party (CLP) had been expecting a “well planned but low energy” social media campaign.

    However, Owusu-Nepaul attracted attention on social media after he was photographed bumping into the Reform UK leader at an opening of a new food truck in Frinton earlier this month, with pictures going viral.

    A campaign source said Labour headquarters had been angry with the traction Owusu-Nepaul was getting. “At one point [Jovan] was getting more retweets than Keir Starmer. The officials were furious with him and said he was distracting [from] Starmer’s campaign,” they said.



  10. 9 hours ago, Jedi2 said:

    And for what is now the 3rd time...did Kate Forbes 'support' VAT rises on QT. Answer: No. Therefore a fact. Of course you haven't referenced her (non) support for taxing oil and gas profits either (maybe the repeated Tory line the SNP like to use of it 'costing' 100,000 jobs).

    Still,no surprise given that the SNP are continuing to trot out their lie of £18 billion of Labour cuts. They will probably be backing Rishi up on his lie of £2000 Labour tax hikes on every household next 

    I'm not a fan of Forbes and tbh, I'm absolutely fine with taxing private schools out of existence and using the proceeds to improve our state education system.

    I can also see that the SNP have been no great shakes in recent years.

    However, the SNP would have some way to go before they're half as bad as the Butt Cheeks in Westminster.

    SNP have got my vote as I genuinely can't see anything in Starmer that says "he speaks for me". His latest dogwhistle politics in front of a bunch of Sun-readers is just the latest step in his sorry lurch towards the far-right. Little wonder that Labour have been positioned somewhere around the Tories and the DUP in policies in this GE.

  11. 14 hours ago, Girth said:

    You guys seem to be doing some decent business. 

    Feeling good chaps?

    Thank you. 


    Have been wondering if Hibs will have a team. They seem to have lost a bit of deadwood but have only signed one lower league goalie IIRC.

    Was there not meant to be a £6m warchest, thanks to the corporate sugar-daddies who call the shots at ER?

    Season starts in 2 or 3 weeks.

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