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Everything posted by Crùbag

  1. With the way Westmonster is currently enjoying mooning the Scottish electorate, the demand for #indyref2 will grow. Ultimately, more and more people will finally realise that we can vote whatever the France we want - England with it's 600odd MPs will always call the shots. Another landslide for the SNP at Holyrood and a few more Greens will make indyref2 a formality.
  2. Lower league?! Wonder if Hearts-Everton will get more bums on seats than Hibs-Sevco? Hope Hibs still limit Sevco to their 1000 or whatever though. Nigerian guy looks like a good signing, if indeed it pans out. Not every day a WC veteren signs on.
  3. They seem big enough to me. More successful in their context than Aberdeen in their's it would seem. Maybe not a 'big club' as such but more of a... sleeping giant? Ho-hum... £18 is fine by me btw. It's a chance for the fans to support the club on and off the field as well as a first look at new players.
  4. Anyway... ...wonder if this Nigerian dude will put name to contract in the next day or two? Things are shaping up nicely. Just hope it's not the shape of a pear.
  5. I know. He said 'Rangers' but we know it as 'Sevco' now.
  6. Still, since returning, he's been error-prone and slow to say the least. Looking forward to Juanma. Hope he doesn't disappoint. #NotTheSpanishSutton
  7. The Exploited ripping the peesh out of Rangers at a fest in France. A Union Jack waver gets told where to go an aw. About 2mins40...
  8. This is getting excting. Bienvienido a Edimburgo.
  9. Mind when journos used to get out. Now they just hoover up the web, copy n paste and then off to the boozer by middday. Aye, finally saw the Kickback post. Seems to be the case.
  10. EEN still making hay from the Reilly story/ non-story. This one is fair being dragged out. Wonder what the hold-up is? Dev fee? Medical? http://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/sport/football
  11. Incredible. The Germans reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellly need Bankrupt Britain and its... what £400billion debt. Not to mention it's lightweight vacuous PM. Even France's Hollande dwarfes Cameron in the statesman dept.
  12. These new signings are exciting.... ...good things come to those who wait, hopefully.
  13. The Rangers are but a pube on Ashley's toilet rim... Dave King's reign at Ibrokes going swimmingly it seems. And they have to pay him another £20k...
  14. I think it's Pete on here who talks often about Brit immigrants abroad not leeching off the state. Well now it's official. Brit immigrants are a drain on foreign economies. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/jan/19/-sp-thousands-britons-claim-benefits-eu?CMP=share_btn_fb
  15. Well done ICT. A superb feeling. Enjoy your nights and days to follow! Edit: Falkirk showed some guts btw. No bottlers there. Unlucky.
  16. From the the Washington Post... http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2015/05/29/its-not-corruption-that-keeps-fifas-sepp-blatter-in-power-its-history/?postshare=4311432958792405
  17. Same here. Yon seething baldy was no way a Yes/SNP voter. Everything he said was factually incorrect. Riddoch and John Nicholson were very good. Riddoch goes down well with audiences as she's not party drone and she's from a pretty ordinary background. Massie speaks well but comes across a bit snooty and a bit self-obsessed - a bit like the posh boarding school product that he is. He even dresses like an auld fart. Lord Falconer was just an embarrassment. He really doesn't get it. A socialist Lord FFS.... another gravy-train careerist. The lassie in the audience was right about the House of Commons - it's backward, out of touch and out of date. Corrupt as well. The sooner we stop allowing it to rule/overrule us, the better.
  18. Is that a scheme in Killie?
  19. Yup Ruth is beginning to grate. Shouldn't she be in a light house somewhere watching for the Russians coming though?
  20. Not how I remember it. Blawhard GG wanted it all his own way. LR is a well respected journo and wipes the floor with both GG and Falange in the credibility stakes.
  21. Troll Time. Farage on it again?
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