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Posts posted by Crùbag

  1. Uly is a sanctimonious p***k who used his position on kb to abuse posters and get away with it. The place will be far better without him.

    Kind of agree with you. However, when you look at the mess some forums are in - Rangers' ones in particular are full of hate and abuse, and that's just each other - the JKB is way more civilised. Pity some mods have their heads up their own rear.

  2. There's fannies in every party, they're just highlighted more from UKIP because they're a bit different from the establishment.

    They are the fkn establishment FFS! They only exist so Farage and his millionaire stockbroker pals can continue to live the good. As to the BBC, Ukip would be nowhere without the free and disproportiante publicity they've given them.

    Ukip are a freak show.

  3. If those parents weren't here in the first place then neither would the children

    How did we let Mad Dog in then?

    Inside the Ukip conference from Vice mag. Amusing stuff. One of their candidates - an Indian guy - would actually fail Farage's proposed points test. Then there's the CHIPS lot... oh dear.


    I slowly stepped away as he shoved a pile of leaflets into my hand. I was looking for a bin to throw them in (not a recycling one, though – no need since the environment isn't fucked), but noticed an unassuming flyer called "CHIPS with everything", an "exposé" on the fastest growing and most dangerous force currently taking over Britain: the gays.

    "What the LGBT is achieving, of course, is a recruitment drive," I read. "They must recruit fresh blood and this is best done among children in schools, the younger the better."

    There were hundreds of these flyers all over the place. Clearly, UKIP had confused gay people with vampires – as I often do myself. When it got onto the subject of same-sex attraction, it read: "Children still have a natural sense of shame about such things." I turned back to the stall and saw that Mark Reckless MP (who was sued by the Tories over wasted campaign expenses) had come to say hello. Him and Foster go "way back", I was told.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  4. I'm pretty sure when Craigy (legend) Whyte was drawing up the master plan for all this and when King took over in March 2015 Rangers were supposed to be cruising into the top flight.

    What's the new plan then?

    They still are. I think the Kincarcrash said words to that effect on here the other day. Sevco's mighty draw at Falkirk and Hearts scraping a win over wee Cowden are par for the course.

  5. Slightly off-topic but Pegida are coming here. Hallelujah! We don't like Islamics cause they cover their faces... says this guardian of indigenous Brittishh culture...


  6. From the Telegraph ,.. oooft. Cue meltdown from the rampaging horde of **** ...

    Friday February 27

    Falkirk v Rangers (19.45), Scottish Championship, BT Sport 1 VM 547 / 549 HD, 19.30

    Our weekly chance to check on what chaotic nonsense has befallen Rangers and what havoc Mike Ashley has managed to wreak north of the border in the last seven days carries us to a Friday night in Falkirk. Inevitably all the coverage, and most of the crowd, will be interested in the UK's most farcical club (settle down fans of Leeds and QPR, you've got nothing on these guys) but spare a thought for Falkirk who used to yo-yo up and down out of this league quite a bit before they suddenly found Hearts, Hibs and Billy Smart's Travelling Circus joining them at the second tier.

    Currently fifth, Falkirk have a great chance to claim a famous win here given how abysmally Rangers are playing football, conducting their business, treating their wives, tending to their gardens, behaving on the way home from the pub and everything else besides.

    Edit for ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    That is excellent. Good stuff from the Telegraph. Not often that is said.

  7. He's a Londoner who represents Scotland in Europe.

    Aye, he's a London antiques dealer. Obviously the right man to represent us. Obviously scared that some Slavs are gonna 'steal' his job an aw.

    Wonder how many of Ukips candidates here are Scottish. Or are they 'immigrants' in a Scottish sense?

    And, they've got yon lassie with the Spanish name. How did she get past Ukip's immigrant controls?

  8. In stitches at this thread and Kinky. :lol:

    Endless mirth from Scotland's premier comedy club and so many highlights from Mr Custard and Shooders via Giovanni de Stefano back to Charles Green standing triumphantly in front of that French Chateaux.

    On the pitch "super rangers" being reduced to this at home to Stirling Albion in an empty Ibrox is highly amusing but I think the twin Raith Rovers and Dundee United defeats stand out for sheer seethe.


    That's shocking. Against Stirling at home?!!

  9. Copied from elsewhere

    Trailing a colossal 19 Points behind Hearts in the Championship

    Horsed out of the Petrofac Training Cup by Alloa

    Horsed out of the League Cup by Celtic

    Horsed out of the Scottish Cup by Raith Rovers (in their ain midden in front of less than 11,000 of The Peepo).

    2011/12 : 5 Competitions entered, 0 Successes - Empty Trophy Cabinet

    2012/13 : 4 Competitions entered, 1 Success (Fourth Tier Winner)

    2013/14 : 4 Competitions entered, 1 Success (Third Tier Winner)

    2014/15 : 4 Competitions entered, 0 Successes - Empty Trophy Cabinet

    Managed :

    Just 2 'successes' from 17 competitions entered (if you class winning the Scottish 4th & 3rd tiers as successes)

    Whilst spending the second-highest wage budget in Scotland

    Whilst the manager is trousering over £800,000 per annum for mowing the lawn

    Whilst playing against teams staffed with postmen, delivery drivers and shop workers

    That's the mascot sorted then.


  10. What a clown Tristram Hunt is. He had an utter nightmare.

    Saw him debating independence with Irvine Welsh. Hunt couldn't understand why Welsh didn't want Scotland to 'stroll the world stage, feared for her military might'. Thought, what a typical stuffed-shirt of an upper-class Tory b*****d. Turns out he's Labour...

  11. I've seen some saltire and a few ulster flags, both British no?

    I don't want to see the uf anywhere in Scotland but thats my own personal feeling.

    Agree re the UJ - it's unwelcome and irrelvant and usually only displayed by people who harbour some kind of prejudice. British means nothing in a football context as we all have our own FAs. Celtic though are a Scottish club first and foremost. Brother Walfrid if i'm not mistaken was a missionary who sought to help poor folk in various places - Glasgow and London if not others. I'm pretty sure he didn't limit his charity to those of Irish descent. The political conditions at the time also meant that many Irish 'immigrants' lived side by side with Scottish Highlanders who had also suffered famine as well as the Clearances - many were also Catholic as the Reformation still hadn't/ hasn't reached many parts of the Highlands and Islands. Certainly, in Edinburgh's LIttle Ireland, Scottish Gaelic was apparently heard as much as Irish, in the Grassmarket and Cowgate. This is where Edinburgh's first Scottish Gaelic chapel stood as well.

    I just wonder why many Celtic fans seem to concentrate on the Irish connection over their Scottish roots?

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