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Posts posted by DublinMagyar

  1. 1 hour ago, ScotiaNostra said:

    At this moment in time Forbes would probably win any SNP members vote based on previous result. Id guess SNP members and the public basically just want someone capable of running things reasonably well at this point in time. If she did throw her hat in the race and won though would many people actually leave the SNP? theres some talk but theres always talk like that and rarely if ever do people act on it.

    I think Flynn would be the only candidate who could unite the party (what are his politics? Id guess hes a center type candidate) and potentially do well with the general vote in an election at this moment but not sure how involved hes been in Humza choices the last few weeks and if hes burned a few bridges due to that within the party.

    I'm a member and I assure you I would leave if Forbes becomes leader.

  2. 18 minutes ago, ScotiaNostra said:

    fair enough but voting snp currently wont get independence imo, Im voting Labour in the hope the day to day get better for more people who need it throughout Scotland and the UK and I genuinely think theres more chance of that in Scotland under Labour than the SNP at this point in time.


    I have voted SNP before and if I ever think they are reallistic about getting independence again or even capable of better government of the day to day I would vote again for them

    What do you think will happen to the Scottish Child Payment under SLAB? A payment that does not exist in England.

  3. An abhorrent excuse for a human being, she'd gain a lot of votes from the right and lose a lot from the left.

    She'll also be regularly embarrassed by opposition politicians/media interviewers. 


    She's not the answer to SNP problems

  4. 1 hour ago, D Angelo Barksdale said:

    Using the word woke is actually woke. The correct terminology is political correctness gone mad.

    We used to be a proper country ffs.

    Go directly to jail.

  5. 55 minutes ago, 2426255 said:

    We need radical changes after that spineless, gutless shit show in March. The players need to show more desire. To that end I think we shake it all up ahead of the Euro's. Firmation, players and gaffer.

    Starting XI against Germany:

    Gunn, Robertson, Tierney, Porteous and Ralston (He deserves a crack at it as Patto's oot eh form).

    Gilmour, McTominay, McGinn and Ferguson (Star man).

    Shankland, Conway (Young prospect wildcard)

    high press, 442, on the front foot, goals - goals - goals.

    Manager: 2426255

    Needs more Gauld

  6. 38 minutes ago, lau03143 said:

    I think that's a really key thing for the independence movement if it wants to succeed going forward. It's to acknowledge that people will vote Conservative, and up until the 80s was basically a Tory voting country. And that's not counting the small "c" conservatives who are happy and content with the status quo, have their representation at WM and the stability of being part of something bigger. If recent years are anything to go by, I think there will be a a change to voting intentions away from the SNP and towards maybe the Liberals and Tories.

    I am not a polling expert, just what I think when talking to people in my office.

    Thanks - you fair cheered me up on a dreich day!

  7. 42 minutes ago, The SandDancer said:

    Regarding your point about Christie, he gets in the first 11 quite a bit and you're not debating here, again your just slagging off other people's opinions, very hypocritical.


    2 minutes ago, The SandDancer said:

    So you mean the good old eye test and you don't have any stats to back up your claims then...


  8. 1 hour ago, Jives Miguel said:

    No surprise that the Dublin resident and the Celtic fan want the UK taxpayers to put their hands in their pockets for some Irish sports mob.


    The Irish sports organisation known as the GAA (based in Dublin, Republic of Ireland) should stop being bindippers and finance their own stadiums.

    must have missed the part where I said "I want"...............could you direct me to it please?

  9. 12 minutes ago, Jives Miguel said:

    I can read yes. I must have missed the part where it was explained why the UK taxpayer is funding the stadium costs of the Irish sports organisation the Gaelic Athletic Association, which is based in Dublin, Republic of Ireland.

    Here it is: Because it’s being built in the UK and will be used by UK residents multiple times a year. 

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