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Dunfermline Don

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Posts posted by Dunfermline Don

  1. The Who UK tour cancelled. Were playing Glasgow on 23rd March. I suppose Roger and Pete are in the age group that are most at risk.IMG_0412.thumb.jpg.fa3d1e0332b3005ecc1c913fc0b92542.jpg

    Spotify just advised me that there are still tickets available!!!’
  2. With all this focus on washing hands, antibacterial gel etc, what about the hoards of homeless on our streets ?
    How are they expected to deal with this ? and as well as being at serious risk themselves, surely they could also be major carriers of the disease ??

    I very much doubt this government is suddenly going to start caring about homelessness now.
    There is only one person the average Tory gives a dam about and that is their self they seem to struggle with the concept of society and how we are all actually interconnected.
  3. Is anyone worried about any scheduled gigs being called off because of coronavirus?

    The Who UK tour cancelled. Were playing Glasgow on 23rd March. I suppose Roger and Pete are in the age group that are most at risk.IMG_0412.jpg
  4. I wonder if Premier would bother showing the final if Aberdeen beat Celtic.

    What do you mean if!!!
    This is our year and I an confident we will win this time( please don’t check my posts last year at this time as they may have said something similar)
  5. I am not convinced this is going to help. 

    It’s not going to be the virus that gets us. It will be the breakdown in civil order when the shelf’s are empty and utilities stop working as staff stay away from work.
    I don’t have much faith in the UK government as the Tories main priority is always the Tories and not us plebs.
    Ironically it could end up being this that stops 10 in a row and not Steve G!
  6. I see on the new series they are handing out aprons to the contestants who go through!
    With Paul Hollywood’s handshake on the bake off are we now in the midst of a Masonic takeover?

  7. I see mubarak died a few days ago and had a full state funeral. Was it just me that missed this in the press? 

    I worked in a casino in the Hilton hotel in Taba-Sinai, Egypt in the 90s, I used to enjoy a Turkish Coffee every day at the start of my shift. One day I was told you need to have an instant coffee today as the other stuff is being used for the president who is visiting today. I never forgave him!
  8. Maybe build some infrastructure on the east coast? The lack of it currently is surely an argument that Scotland has been neglected in favour of the South East of Great Britain? 
    Why do all our EU exports have to go through England?

    It is probably cheaper transporting it down south by road or train then the short ferry crossing from a Kent port. (Remember you can see France from Dover on a good day.) than the long crossing from Scotland. There was probably a good reason the Rosyth ferry wasn’t successful.
  9. Just heard them comment on radio Scotland about this leading to ‘mass panic’! Nice level headed reporting there, but just Incase I will buy as much milk and bread from my local supermarket as my car can hold then barricade my self inside the house with a loaded gun till it all blows over!

  10. Police Scotland are a tinpot joke.
    They can't prosecute anyone for effigies hung at Celtic Park and it takes 30 years to catch up with paedophiles but score a goal that embarasses Celtic and go straight to court. 

    And we thought it was just the SFA that were inept and corrupt!
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