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Dunfermline Don

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Posts posted by Dunfermline Don

  1. To be fair, there was a 50:50 chance that she was unsinkable. After all, it was stated that she was “practically unsinkable” in that good British publication, The Belfast Morning News. Those lifeboats had no “cast iron guarantee” that they wouldn’t tip over, though. And they were filthy European clinker-types, lowered by Swedish Welin davits. Can’t expect an ardent, Anglophile loyalist to want anything to do with them.

    As the H&W workers in Belfast said ‘she was OK when she left here!’
  2. If Mintermind was on the Titanic and offered a place in one of those dangerous and potentially leaky lifeboats, he’d stay aboard the great ship because there’d be a 50:50 chance that he’d not die of shock or exposure in -2 degree water.

    You beat me to that analogy. Though I was going with ‘No let’s stay onboard as she is unsinkable!’
  3. Couple of things I remember, thinking back. The Killie fans singing, in extra time I think, “one Stuart Findlay, there’s only one Stuart Findlay.....”. Hear hear to that. And also the lack of real celebration from Sam Cosgrove and the rest of the team when the penalty equaliser went in. Sam went straight into the goal picked up the ball and ran back to put it on the Centre spot. Looking back, that was the real desire to win it, even though there was only a minute left.

    He obviously remembered the last penalty shootout against Hearts and thought ‘no way!’
  4. Title race of 1991 was a proper sliding doors moment
    Aberdeen only needed a point at Ibrox to win the league
    No 9IAR for the Oldco if we’d not shat it 

    I always feel that if Motherwell hadn’t beaten Rangers the previous week and Aberdeen were going to Ibrox needing a win that they would have done it.
    The fact the Dandies had hit the top the week before and only needed a draw meant they went playing for one. Smith’s reputation at Aberdeen never fully recovered from this.
  5. I have bitten the bullet and bought tickets for this. The last time I saw Scotland play was against Greece in the mid 90s. I am taking my son to his first Scotland game and coincidentally my first Scotland game was against Israel in the early 80s. Let’s hope the result is similar.

  6. China ‘playing this correct’ as noted above.... with a huge spike and dramatic increase in both infections and deaths while everyone else standstill. As a contest, there is none. China are so far ahead of everyone else it has about lost meaning and as a competition.

    No change in the other medal positions. Japan holding on to their slender lead.

    Vietnam quietly going about their business and pushing up in mid table. Remains to be seen if it is too little too late.

    After a quick surge from the European teams last week, there inexperience in this competition is glaring.

    Next target for China will be 25k and despite such a low kill rate, bookies are shortening the odds of China beating the death goal tally of the Total SARs competition of 2003 in record time.



    Should the Philippines not be higher up the table as they have a death. A bit like if a country get a gold in the Olympics.

  7. Scotland ‘kicked’ out of the EU against its will.
    Boris Johnson Prime Minister of the UK.
    Section 30 requests repeatedly knocked back.

    The Nats probably couldn’t get a better set of circumstances from their point of view and yet they can only scrape 52% of the vote.

    And that’s before their fairytale economic proposals for an independent Scotland are laughed at by the sensible majority and the Scots don’t fancy entering yet another messy, multi-year divorce period.

    A sickener for Sturgeon, Salmond, Wings and co.

    The fact that we are up against most of the media and the British establishment. Added to the fact that SNP have also been the incumbent government in Holyrood for quite a while now which would normally result in their support dropping not going up. I would say 52% is quite a good position to be in before we get into full campaign mode.
    The Union is in its final stages. It’s just a matter of time now.
  8. I don't and have said so on here hunners of times.
    What I hate are the glengarried-up, tartan-clad gonks with their 'f**k the Tories' placards who think they represent Scotland and who deprecate those of us who value our shared sovereignty with England going back more than 400 years.
    I am very open to a civic nationalism which embraces the EU freedoms of goods, people, services and capital.  Sadly, the Natters prefer a campaign of hating the English and Tories Oot.  
    So my issue is not with an independent Scotland sharing values with the EU but with nasty wee Natters plying their ethno-nationalist campaign of identity and grievance.

    I am not all that keen on the tartan wearing and bagpipe playing image myself, but that is not the whole Independence movement. We are not all English haters. My wife is English and though not a yes voter in 2014 or SNP voter she is becoming more sympathetic to Independence when she sees what her homeland is becoming. I also know other English no voters who would now vote yes in any future Indy referendum.
  9. One of Scottish football's great fake news stories.
    There have been Aberdeen supporters clubs in the central belt....Edinburgh, Glasgow, Fife, Stirling and more......since the 1970's. It comes from the Doric diaspora, where many left Aberdeen around that time to either move to the new towns or to study and work in the cities.
    Aberdeen have a large support in the central belt but almost all of it is 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation Aberdonian. 

    I grew up in Dunfermline. Though my old man had no connection with Aberdeen he had supported them since the 50s(a glory hunter from their first league title). All the other Dons fans i knew at school had North East connections; Deeside, Peterhead, Kincardineshire etc.
    There did appear to be more kids wearing Dons tops in the mid 8Os with no connection but they tended not to go to any games, probably the sort of folk who nowadays support Barca or Man City.
  10. I always felt the Dons drew fans from anywhere that sold the P&J.
    When I was growing up there were no other league teams north of Brechin, The 80s success also resulted in a few glory hunters in the central belt as well but most of the ones I knew in Fife also had links with the North East.
    As for my Local team The Pars, I would say that they draw their support mainly in the West Fife area. Though there are also many supporters of the Ugly Sisters and the Edinburgh teams in the area as well.

  11. You wonder if a lovebomb would work this time. A huge number of people who fronted it last time were already at the tail end of their telly careers. Would 16 year olds now even know who Trinny and Susannah, Tony Robinson etc were?

    They could just have Roger Daltry singing ‘won’t get fooled again!’

  12. No. No more Tory governments. f**k this “at least we voted for the scumbag option” argument. Too many people are dying as it is.

    I don’t disagree with you. I am just trying to make the point that an independent Scotland can be a ‘broad church’. There will be a place for a ‘right of centre’ party but I would not expect them to be in power. I fully expect and hope us to be more left leaning and internationalist than the UK is currently heading.

  13. A Tory governed independent Scotland.

    An independent Scotland would be free to be governed by whoever gets elected. As it is done by PR coalition’s would probably be required so there will be every possibility a right of centre party being involved at some point.
    The important thing is Scotland would not vote one way then have to put up with whoever has been elected in Westminster.
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