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Dunfermline Don

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Posts posted by Dunfermline Don

  1. In the USA, California has nearly 40 million people while Wyoming has less than 600,000 and yet they both send two senators to Washington. 
    Maybe not relevant to this thread  but any opinions welcome.

    I know where you are coming from.
    That is their equivalent of the Lords and there are 50 states as against 4 in the UK. A similar scenario would only work in the UK if England was regionalised and I can’t see that happening!
  2. The BBC biased against Tories, Labour, Scottish Nationalists, DUP, Sinn Fein so at least it is getting something right

    Yet who is refusing to allow themselves to be submitted to scrutiny now?
  3. This was a reply on a friends FB post from an ex colleague who lives in England. The Scottish based guy had posted that he was feeling quite worried about the current political situation in the UK
    We basically should just suck up and be grateful that they allow us to stay!

    “If l was you ####,l would more worried about what Nicola Sturgeon wants to do, and speaks about Boris like his a disaster to Scotland, and when she makes Scotland have another referendum you will not have to be terrified anymore to what we do in our UK, after all we have housed most Scots in the UK for years, and they have done well out of it.”

  4. [emoji106]The BBC World Service is excellent

    That used to be a must listen on a Saturday evening at 5pm UK time when I worked on ships.
    The reception would often fade in and out and was always guaranteed to go completely when your team’s results were being read out. It was even more frustrating when you heard half the score and the reception went as they read your teams name out. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
  5. Another Tory on Marr with the line "Not all the people who voted for the SNP support Independence, and 55% of voters voted for Unionist parties".
    Again, not being asked if all of that 55% are supporters of the Union.

    It is all that they have left to go on! I would appreciate it more if they could actually give me any positive reason to stay in the Union.
  6. Just listened to a BBC election podcast. The political editor LK described the results as ‘the map turning blue except Scotland which was a ‘grotesque’ yellow!’
    Why include that word? Why not just say ‘yellow’.
    It was the same the way they described Nicola ‘celebrating Swinson losing!’ instead of saying she was celebrating her candidate winning.
    You may think these are small pedantic points, but this is just the start wait till we get into the full Indy campaign. We are going to be up against the full weight of the British Establishment and media.
    Hard hats on guys!

  7. Has anyone, as a result of the general election changed their mind on Scottish Independence? 

    Yes. I was always keen for Independence before, now I am determined to make it happen.
    We can forget about the 25% that voted Tory. If they can vote for a party led by Johnson we have no chance converting them.
    We need to concentrate on convincing Labour and Lib Dem supporters,reminding them that supporting independence doesn’t mean we will have an SNP government indefinitely but that the Scottish people will get what they have voted for not however England decided to vote.
  8. The BBC may very well have mortally wounded themselves this last month.
    Who is going to fight for them when the Tories eventually come for them ?

    If you had asked me that 5 years ago I would have defended the BBC to the hilt.
    Now they deserve what they have coming.
    It would be interesting to see how many people have cancelled their TV licenses recently.
  9. People become more ‘conservative’ as they grow older.
    I hope that does not mean that the overwhelming majority of young people who support Independence abandon that position.

    I may be an exception then as I feel more left wing the older I am getting. I have lived through the Thatcher years but at least you knew where you stood with her. The current clown in charge has no morals or empathy and has a history of lying.
    It depresses me enough that there are many down south voting for them but when Scots vote Tory, FFS!
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