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Silverton End

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Posts posted by Silverton End

  1. 1 minute ago, dirty dingus said:

    Just turned it on bbc sounds. The quality of guests is piss poor. Will they actually talk about the football today. Think Cosgrove is about to chuck it,ย  doesn't sound too well and when he's on you can hear how much Cowan does his head in.ย 

    Aye, Stuart hasn't sounded very well for a while now, he seems to get a lot of chest infections.

    Ray just agrees with everything Tam says "yeah yeah yeah" which is right up Tam's street.



  2. 4 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

    This was on another forum but it's too good not to be shared here.ย  For those of us who remain misty-eyed about Boghead this picture taken from the @Silverton End is about as good as it gets, with the Crags looking down on what looks like a mid to late 1950's contest between the Sons and possibly QoS or Stranraer - suggestions welcome.


    Black & Gold hooped jerseys, no pie shop at the Turnberry End yet.

    The Longcraigs haven't changed muchย ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    Queen of The South had a strip like that around 1960




  3. 13 minutes ago, GoTeamGaz said:

    Obviously art is subjective & there's no right answer ... and forgive the rudimentary quick Photoshopping

    I don't believe moving the sponsor below the band is effective. Putting it in the band and putting in white is the most hidden within the design. We've also had sponsors that moved down into the belly area before (Bet Butler on the Surridge top) that I think looks horrendous.ย 


    I think the band should have been bigger to make the JJR sponsor look in proportion, don't like the stripe down the sides either, if your going to have tartan trim on the band & cuffs it should maybe be on the collar too.

    It's different & quirky but maybe Macron's poorest effort for us so far.

    *will probably still buy it*ย ๐Ÿค



  4. 45 minutes ago, squeezebox-son said:

    I was just thinking about the "Stirlingshire Cup" a couple of days ago... ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I think we have the trophy sat in the entrance foyer at the stadium.

    Used to enjoy the games back when it was fairly popular.

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