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Mr Tourette

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Posts posted by Mr Tourette

  1. I was considering voting YES, but JK Rowling's impassioned plea has now convinced me that if I pledge £1 million to the NO campaign, George Osbourne will let me claim it back as a tax break.

    I stand converted. NO it is, then

    Perish the thought that RBS will go tits up again due to paying millions of pounds in bonuses to crooks in London for shafting investors and we would have to take the hit

  2. The SFL just voted a Newco in though. I would still have thought bending a few of their own, SPL, rules was a better option than trusting the diddies to help them out.

    After Kenny Cameron's statement earlier, I really don't know what to think at the moment. But one thing I do know is that there are many teams in the SFL that are bigger than us in terms of size, history and fan base. Essentially, with the exception of Hearts, Hibs and perhaps Dundee Utd and Aberdeen, we are all "diddies" regardless of which league we are in. We should stick together now, for good or bad.

  3. I'm beginning to think that regardless what the proposals on offer are on Friday, and the subsequent vote, the only sane outcome should be a 11 team SPL with one team idle every week for season 2012/2013 and status quo for the 3 SFL leagues.

    As the Clyde statement correctly points out- how can any SFL club be expected to admit an entity to the SFL (in whatever division) with zero information on the entity's assets and ability to fulfil it's fixtures? League reconstruction should not be implemented at a couple of days notice and without proper deliberation and agreement of all relevant bodies.

    This outcome would allow 10 months for SevCo to get it's act together and submit a proper application to join SFL and also for the proper winding up of Old Rangers and the conclusion of any subsequent court actions against them and previous directors, Duff and Duffer, HMRC etc.

  4. Judging by the way that the people charged with the responsibility of looking after the interests of their own clubs (ie Chairmen, Boards of Directors )and also tasked with the responsibility of running their own league, ie member clubs of the SPL, have been and are still currently behaving, then its absolutely no surprise that the Scottish game is in the state that it is. Greed, delusion,fear, self-interest, procrastination are just some of the character traits that are currently being portrayed by the afore-mentioned office bearers for each of the respective clubs. They are to busy trying to be seen to be pleasing the "rent-a-mob fan base" that have suddenly surfaced waving the sporting integrity banner in one hand and their club colours in the other hand. To pass a decision of this magnitude over to the afore mentioned rent-a-mob fans is nothing short of ridiculous (it`s also a breach of their fiduciary duties as a Company Director) It would appear that not one of them has had the courage to actually say "NO COMMENT " when being asked which way their club will vote on July 04th whilst at the same time actually then looking at all the COMMERCIAL implications of rejecting an application for NEWCO to join the SPL. By pandering to the rent-a-mob they are collectively signing the death warrant of the game in Scotland and consigning the SPL to years in the doldrums. I`ll guarantee you that all the so called "supporters" who have been on the forums, newspapers, radio etc over this saga will be the very same ones who will be on the same media vehicles a year from now complaining about the state of Scottish football and how poorly regarded we are by the rest of the world,we need league re-construction,oh woe is me, etc..................... do these so called office bearers currently charged with making these decisions today really think that all the rent-a-mob fans are going to be digging deep into their pockets and turning out in the middle of winter when moneys tight, Xmas is coming and the weathers crap because Dundee/Dunfermline/Club 12 are coming calling. The rent-a-mob fans will be out shopping with their wives,sitting at home on their key boards typing crap about something else,sitting watching the darts on TV.......the only thing they won`t be doing is out supporting their clubs. It will be a similar story in the last quarter of the season as well because 99% of them will have ZERO to play for. So by the end of the coming season each of the clubs (the ones that survive,because Administration is a heart beat away for at least 2 of them) will then see the real effects of the decision made this season. Budgets and revenues will be slashed to levels that will then finish the job of consigning the SPL to a level that it will never recover from. This decision will send ripples through the Scottish game right down to grass roots level so the SFL, Junior and Amateur leagues are all going to feel the effects of this decison for years to come.


    1. The diddly club chairmen seem to be basing their decisions on the fact that the fans are the main income stream of their clubs. If the fans don't turn up, then the money doesn't appear. I see nothing wrong with this.

    2. I'm hoping you are taking the piss with the "rent a mob" line, considering the vast majority of Rangers "fans" never set foot inside Ibrox in their lives. Strange as it may seem to an old firm "fan" , non old firm clubs have a hard core fan base who are going to turn up regardless of how shit their team is playing or even what division they're playing in.

    3. Scottish football is already in the doldrums and held in poor regard by the rest of the world, so nothing to lose there.

    4. Many diddy fans will be more likely to turn out to see their club play Dundee/Dunfermline/club 12 in the run up to Xmas instead of intentionally staying away when Rangers come calling and subjecti their ground to sectarian bullshit

    5. The ripples sent down through the Scottish game should be for the good of all. SevCo will have the chance to do it the hard way like ICT and Ross County have done and progress from the 3rd division to the SPL while running their clubs within their means. That can only be for the good of the game in the long run, surely?

  5. Apologies if this has already been discussed on some of the the previous 2000 odd pages, but has there been any hints from SPL/SFL/SFA as to which team is likely to be team 12 (assuming it's not going to be Sevco)?

    I find it hard to believe that everyone is waiting until July 4th before putting something in motion. I would imagine someone has devised some sort of criteria to establish which first division club should become SPL team 12 and the same for the 2nd and 1st divisions?

    Or is this phase likely to prolong the present shambles right up until the start of the season?

  6. Should have known better than to bet on South American WC qualifiers. Can't believe Chile didn't win at home. Thing is, I just added them onto my line at the last minute as they were 4/11. All the others came in.

    By the way Egypt at 10/11 against Rwanda was the stick-on of the weekend

  7. Depends on your perspective. The other edge of the sword is that by supporting a club that has continuously put paying bills a distant second to courting "success", they have inflicted more harm than good to the game.

    It is very hard to distance Joe Public from Livingston FC. That the club and all who sail in her have been tainted (if not thoroughly undercoated) with the brush of deceit and corruption for many years, its not something that can be laid at the door of the support. What you can say is that their inability to listen to anything other than their own self assuring drivel marks them out as being some way short of worldly wise, and a million miles away from the intellectuals many believe themselves to be. Collectively, they have come up with some breathtaking excuses and reasoning to deny what was painfully obvious to everyone else.

    For example, Hugh Scott was a tyrant of equal measure at Morton. There was always a sense that the Morton support were well and truly galvanized in their opposition to him, and that was reflected in the support for their cause across virtually every club.

    With Livingston however, there has been this awful parasitical alignment between the chancers in charge and the support. They have always failed to be seen as anything other than the unquestioning devotees of whoever would spend money on the team...... regardless of the consequences.

    They have never been comfortable in the role of "the average fan".

    The sneering disregard for the supporters of other clubs during the "spend spend spend" years has not been forgotten, nor that a whole load of people lost money five years ago (me included) in the previous round of administration.

    That the club has rubbed salt into wounds that haven't fully healed by marching straight back into major debt, is simply not acceptable. Livingston entered the last chance saloon when they left admin the last time with no footballing penalties at all for their wrongdoing. That across the board sympathy for the plight of the support is thin on the ground, is by any measure, perfectly understandable.

    Just as the Livi support "don't do contrition", then those that have been wronged by Livingston in the past "don't do sympathy".

    I have no sympathy whatsoever for Livingston as a club and will not be shedding any tears if or when they go bust (again). I remember when they raped the 1st and 2nd division clubs (including us) of all their best players during their rise to the SPL. The fact that it later transpired that all of this was achieved using money they didn't have, made it all the more galling. Gretna did the same thing but at least that was Brookson's money they were spunking.

    The point I was making was that it is surely no bad thing if any club (even if it is Livingston) can draw ex-armchair OF fans to a game on a Saturday?

  8. There are a few older people who jumped on the Livi band-wagon as soon as they arrived in town - it's to them that "what comes around, goes around" comment is aimed at

    Please explain to me what is wrong with the older people you refer to above jumping on the Livi bandwagon when they came to town? I'm imagining the majority of them were armchair OF or Hibs/Hearts fans who were contributing nothing to the Scottish game financially, but now have done for the past 15 years.

    Surely anyone deciding to support a "diddy" team rather than the OF or nobody at all can only have been good for the game?

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