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Posts posted by peteeatsthemeat

  1. Difference between Benn and Skinner is Benn had real influence. He was a large part of the reason Labour were unelectable in the eighties, probably the time in Labour's history that we really needed to be seen as a valid party most.

    When people refer to Labour figures as 'principled' they usually mean 'on the left of the party', that isn't what Labour need. A left-wing Labour Party will not win elections in this country. It's all very well and good to sit happily in opposition dreaming up a fantastic socialist utopia, but Blair and Brown managed something people like Benn and Denis Skinner will never manage: actual positive change. The good that Labour have managed over the last few decades has come through pragmatism, not principles.

    Personally I'd rather do good than feel good.

    If John Smith had not died when he did,the Labour party would still be in power imo.

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