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Posts posted by Sharkie

  1. Thanks for feedback. These stories are very interesting but in all honesty, the more people tell me to roll over and take it, the more determined I am to fight them.

    I'm currently prepping a case for trading standards and the financial ombudsman but secondary to that, I really want arnoldshark.com to become the defacto online home for the victims of these bullies to get motivated to fight back.

  2. Hi everyone, I've been looking around the web about Arnold Clark and their peers and what I've found is that there are 2 opinions.

    1) they are fairly decent, they'll com you when they can but that's just car dealerships, it's to be expected.

    2) they are the absolute scum of the earth, devil incarnate hellspawn that seem intent on ruining people's lives.

    I asked some friends of mine who are high up in the newspaper game why you never see any of these horror stories in the papers and they all tell me it's because AC and the like pay so much in advertising revenue that no one wants to P##s them off.

    That made me pretty mad so I started a site where I hope we can get a focused voice for the car dealership victims and maybe do something to get things changed. It's not a witch hunt though. I want to hear positive stories too.

    Anyway the site is arnoldshark dot com - if you know anyone suffering at the hands of a large car dealer, please point them my way.


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