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Bing (2)

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Everything posted by Bing (2)

  1. Thats Benny........... WTAF? They cheated, were caught, and now say they didn't cheat ? I really really hope King breaks the laws of several countries and get power at Ibrox. That may be even funnier than the corrupt house/business burners they already have .
  2. It is a bit crazy to wait til now. That's 3 different clubs in 3 years. Surprised you want him.
  3. Never, ever, ever forget, that their biggest ever trophy was presented in a shithouse, a real shithouse, as their fans outraged even the Fascists of Franco
  4. The new kit.... First reply on Sevco Media........ Puma ya inbred blind cunto, there is 3 visible logos of ''Puma''.
  5. Up for sale last month............ http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/22/poveglia-venetians-fight-to-save-haunted-island
  6. Probably just been reading here over a few weeks , thats all...........''we'' know King cant invest.
  7. Staffa on the ''to do' list, along with 'the one out West'. Iona I wish I had done every time I was on Mull, which was a fair few, but I only went the last twice. A better Bralt call would be the run from Lewis to Barra, and seeing which 'part' you are in by the state of the gardens The Presbs spend a lot of time on theirs (true, oh, so true)
  8. I'm too North otherwise I would buy you a few pints and laugh at Dave with you.... Good call though Benny. And go to Iona when on Mull. Worth it. Skye? Meh. Dunveggan better than Portree, though last I heard the better boozer in Dunvegan got shut
  9. ? But Benny posted from Tobermory and his his IP was a weeg guest hoose. They already know all that.
  10. Thats it? Really? FFS, I could have gave you logins to RM, VB's and ,with admin privileges to the Swamp,( ban who you want ), and Craig Houstons brothers printing firms website. Just ask.
  11. I might have missed all the shizz on my 'holidays', but who/what is the pm gang? And why am I not included
  12. No, why good God, NO. If he was within the law, he and his family could have assets outwith South Africa. But they are being repatriated as part of his conviction.
  13. Hiiii, coff, he also paid a wheeng o' cash, as well as being found guilty, he didn't walk, he ''hobbled'', and if he gets involved with das chris speeding points, it's Kunta Kinte time...
  14. Coff.............no he didn't. Pleading guilty to a breenge of charges, and having them suspended over his head if he farts the wrong way, does in no way equate to ''walks''......
  15. Harrrumph. Haven't had a personal account there in years , too full of timpostery. Use a multi to view the good stuff. Führer führer is where the cool cats post.
  16. By all means, and yes it would go nuts. But not for the reasons you think Tedi, but because other rules were being broken for him to do so. Remember he is not meant not to be near the Ibrox boardroom for a long while, as the clumpany died under his stewardship (12 months applies).
  17. Part of his recent deal with SARS is that both his and his families assets have to be repatriated to SA. Failure to comply and its 3 years in the pokey for each count he was found guilty on
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