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Posts posted by bairn88

  1. 3 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    It is all assuming Holt has any influence on the first team moving forward. Rennie’s interview made it clear he is in control. 

    But why would Dowds want to come back to the club where the man who seems to have acted like a total c*nt to him after he had covid is still hanging around the stadium every day?! Come off it 

  2. 1 minute ago, Lichtie78 said:

    Is Holt still at Falkirk or did he leave as well?Just noticed this on Dowds brothers Twitter emoji23.png

    Hhahahahah wow, is it actually? I’ve seen him under a few Dowds posts and almost every one is a go at Holt.

    There must’ve been some bust up in the summer. Christ I fucking despise Gary Holt. Get him out of our club NOW. “Doesn’t meddle in first team affairs” aye? Get out. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

    I'll be honest, my initial reaction to any further lockdown will be to patch the vaccination. Which, I accept, is a bit of cutting off my nose to spite my face. But it's my natural lashing out instinct.

    I reckon I won't be alone in that. Especially amongst people who are vaccine hesitant. Which I'm not. If it doesn't stop me getting it, doesn't stop me passing it on and (assuming the data is accurate) is a fairly mild illness then I'm really not sure what the advantage is.

    I was buzzing for my first dose because I felt like it was me playing my part in helping us get out of lockdown. Now that couldn't feel further from the case.

    Surely its a diminishing returns thing too? There seems little reason to believe immunity won't wain with the booster as it did with the first 2...I'd imagine the % of people coming forward to get their 4th, then 5th, then 6th, then 7th jab etc. etc. will only decrease. That's why imposing any restrictions now (when vax uptake in Britain is simply excellent) is just an awful awful policy decision

  4. Girlfriend is celiac, so through association know the ins and outs of lots of things you might find useful.

    Best bread she says is this stuff - warburtons GF bread - expensive as you can see (common theme with GF stuff!)

    Good thing is awareness. Even just 10 years ago awareness of GF and in particular celiac was basically zero. Now its one of the first things GPs look for when you complain over gut health. 

    Jury definitely out on beer, however there are lots of GF beers about anyway. Bellfield Brewery is entirely GF and can vouch that lots of them are very very good. 

    R.E in restaurants, I was like you where I hated being fussy, asking lots of questions about whats in food etc etc...but after years you get used to it. I've seen what bad reactions can do, and being forceful with waiters gets results - health is more important

  5. If we get through whatever Christmas/January rise of hospitalisations is coming with a relatively low peak (you know, like a flu season that's happened every single year of my life), I'm not sure the British/Scottish govs will be forgiven so easily this time.

    Literally hourly drip feeding of fear/doom mongering news for the past 3 weeks, and its not even Christmas yet. Shot mine and many others mental health to buggery. Hospitality industry decimated due to their words, with no financial support. For some reason I usually quite enjoy Christmas. Its a laugh. The pain of what might or might not be to come after it has me thinking oh, I need to just get through it this year. Something really does have to change.


  6. 11 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    I didn't think B4L were on the board though. Is it not FSS and the patrons who have reps? 

    Oh Christ maybe you’re right. I thought the Patrons (mid sized part of the 3 legged stool approach) swallowed up B4L. If that’s wrong then aye no problem at all with asking the money be spent on a specific position 

  7. I think Sergeant has a point.

    It was maybe fine when the group wasn’t part of the board, for them to rustle up some money for the January transfer window and ask for it to be spent on 1 striker etc etc. 

    But now that they’re a key part of the board I’m not sure they should be dictating what money gets spent where by the football side of the club? Very dodgy imo. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Gus2 said:

    I hope Rennie and Miller realise that shopping in the limited pool that is Scotland will not get us out of the hole we are in cast the net in other areas. We might land another Farid  or L Taylor (Before he became an ass)

    Direct quote from Rennie in FH. Given Sheerin’s contacts included Aberdeen, Aberdeen and Aberdeen, I’m hoping we see an immediate improvement on that front 


  9. 7 minutes ago, Snafu said:

    LSHTM -

    The most optimistic scenario (low immune escape of Omicron and high effectiveness of boosters), a wave of infection is projected which could lead to a peak of over 2,000 daily hospital admissions, with 175,000 (95% CI: 139,000–198,000) hospitalisations and 24,700 (19,500–28,700) deaths between 1st December 2021 and 30th April 2022, if no additional control measures are implemented over and above the current ‘Plan B’ policy in England.

    The most pessimistic scenario (high immune escape and lower effectiveness of boosters) projects a wave of infection which is likely to lead to a peak in hospital admissions around twice as high as the peak seen in January 2021, if no additional control measures are taken, with 492,000 (418,000–537,000) hospitalisations and 74,800 (63,500–82,900) deaths.

    This is what they are all reading and hoping for the optimistic scenario. I'm predicting their models yet again are so off they are away out into space to have their own adventure.

    Even 19,500 deaths is ever so slightly a little bit on the high side, just a tad.

    I had to look up definition of optimism on google just in case the word had been re allocated another meaning.

    Weren't their "optimistic" figures for "freedom day" til now absolutely wildly wrong? Soemthing crazy like 3x or more the deaths than what we actually had was their most optimistic? Sadly don't have the figures but why would we ever listen to their modelling ever again.

  10. 5 minutes ago, C. Muir said:

    10/11 season? We went from 13th November - 15th January without a game that year :lol: 

    Aye that’s the one. 

    Just looked it up, we went 13 november - 29 December with zero games. That’s why everyone crying over a couple of weeks of postponed games does my head in. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

    We've got about 13,000 beds in Scottish hospitals, ICU included. There are currently just shy of 600 people using these beds who have COVID. I can't find the figure online as COVID dominates the news, but I'm not sure we've got another 12,000 people laid up in hospital on top of that right now. 

    There is absolutely no reason for Scottish football (or any other industry) to be shut down.

    Well said imo.

    Matter of fact, there’s about to be absolutely loads of games called off for the next maybe 3–4 weeks. Whether the authorities can survive the moon howlers screaming “call ra leagues offff!” despite infinite time to rearrange (I remember when falkirk didn’t play for a literal month and a half because of snow about a decade ago) is another question. 

  12. Excellent vaccine uptake means we’ll hopefully see a lot fewer deaths, and fewer hospitalizations, despite high cases. That has always been the end game for Covid and let’s hope that materializes with this variant. 

    If we do see shutting down of things on any sort of similar scale as last year, loads will lose hope with vaccine drive. Many my age already feel very meh about getting the booster, given we all did our part a few months ago and now almost daily noises are we won’t be allowed in pubs again without boosters, despite not even having had the fecking chance to get one yet. 

    Shutting football down would basically commit to shutting it down for years and decades to come, every winter. Covid is going nowhere, and there will be probably yearly variants. Vaccine uptake will never be higher, so imo it would be a very odd decision. 

  13. 10 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

    Any truth to any of the chat that David Goodwillie as a potential signing was a hot topic of discussion last night?

    If Falkirk sign Goodwillie I will be sending back my half season ticket and won't be at another game home or away until he's gone. I'd probably even struggle after that if it was the same board in place who thought that signing was in any way acceptable.

    I'd rather lose every week for ten years than have him playing for the club I support, representing our fanbase and community.

    If this isn't someone winding me up and this is even being discussed as an option then I'm losing faith in the new regime already.

    Would find it hard to ever go back if it happened. 

  14. 1 minute ago, craigkillie said:

    And a massive overreaction on here to boot. A strange episode all round.

    I think Sturgeon making fairly clear that, if she had it her way, she'd have SHUT DOWN an entire business. Something that gives a huge number of people social interaction, company, joy, as well as employment, despite 90% of population + having 2 doses of an effective vaccine, all vulnerable given a THIRD dose, 2 years after Covid was first in the country.....if anything, I've seen an under reaction at her words today.

  15. So Holt’s rap sheet includes *only* signing perma crock Williamson, flattered to deceive McCann, one of the worst CBs in my lifetime McKay, *re-signing* Ben Hall, utterly ineffectual Mcguffie, no goals Wilson, list probably goes on, including signing no other striker as they all turned him down......and he’s used that as a reason as to why he need stay? 

  16. Love the fact that they're so scared sh1tless of the variant, and how transmissible it is, that they think closing some non essential offices and potential extending of some vax passports will stop it, whilst clubs, pubs, restuarants, etc etc etc are still open. Really are led by utter utter clowns. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Michael W said:

    Maybe I'm having a bad day, but that Boris Johnson quote has absolutely riled me. 

    What the actual f**k is this? Person dies of covid has been a sad but routine fact throughout the last twenty months. Indeed, we have averaged about 150 deaths a day for the past few months and not an eyelid has been batted about that. That someone has died of the Omicron variant (sorry, WITH the Omicron variant) is not exactly a massive surprise either. Unfortunately, some people do die of the virus.

    You should avoid direct comparisons between countries as they are not comparable, but you can draw some inferences. South Africa's hospitals are not filling up the way they did with Delta and this is a country with a vaccination rate far below the UK's. The qualifier is that they have a younger population than we do, almost certainly in part to inferior standards of healthcare. Two things can be true at once: it might be milder, but some may still die from it. 

    There is a doomsday feel about Omicron tht seems to be harking back to the pre-vaccine, "we just don't know" days of April and May 2020 and it's really starting to grate given that we live in one of the most vaccinated countries in the world. There is still no evidence that the vaccines don't protect against serious illness. 

    It's the biggest confirmation so far that Omicron isn't a serious threat (in terms of overwhelming the NHS), and it's pure politics. Ramping up the fear by *announcing* that ONE person has died with Omicron, whilst there's literally been hundreds of Covid deaths per day for months and months is quite....something. As a fairly rational and moderate person it makes me closer to toying with fucking conspiracy theories than I have ever been in my life!

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