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Everything posted by qpfc

  1. Announce Barry Hepburn next please! On paper at least, a frontline of Hepburn, Paton and Thomas sounds incredibly exciting Still need a fair few signings but Spong and Paton is a very positive start
  2. Ruari Paton signed- 3 year deal Buzzing with that tbh
  3. Sounds like an absolute replica description of Simon Murray as a footballer. Here’s hoping if he joins he has a similar impact!
  4. He hates Airdrie also, so he’s an instant hero in my eyes
  5. Would take in a heartbeat. Seen links to a couple teams down south so never really thought we’d have a chance Only 22 which is brilliant
  6. Euan Henderson is an awful footballer. one of the worst loans I’ve seen in years, including the amateur era
  7. I don’t mind the idea of a 3-4-3. Someone like Fox would thrive in that and it would allow him to bring back those big driving runs he was incredibly good at. I don’t know if it was a particular instruction from Coyle last season but it was like Fox wasn’t allowed past the halfway line, particularly at the end of the season. As dreadful as Fox was at the end of the season, I’d still absolutely have him here next season. Until March, I had him down as one if not the top defender in the league. Confidence just seemed shot to bits with Coyle being totally unable to coach a defence
  8. The striker is critical. Look at everyone at the top half last season; Dundee: Robinson Thistle: Graham Ayr: Akinyemi Morton: Oakley (at least against us) Inverness: Mckay QP: Murray til January The likes of Arbroath, Hamilton, Cove and Raith had no capable striker in their ranks and unsurprisingly they finished bottom half. Even after Murray left, we ended up playing like a team who were bottom of the league. It’s the one area we really need or at least attempting to go full “Gretna style”
  9. Think that may be a common theme with the recruitment this summer. Wouldn’t surprise to see us sign a host of players from academies from down south. in theory, that should be really exciting but having the unfortunate situation of watching Luis Longstaff for an entire season has completely killed my enthusiasm for that approach. Hoping beuker has done his due diligence and scouting on these guys. Last thing we need is a bunch wee boys not up to scratch in the championship
  10. Tbf I think It’s mainly the Airdrie fans on Twitter who seem to think their squad is the 2nd coming of prime Barcelona. Seen some wild takes regarding how they’ll do in the championship this upcoming season
  11. Doubt anyone will know but it’s inevitable when we win a couple of games on the trot this season, some posters from other clubs will come out with an outrageous figure which will be taken as gospel Some wild numbers thrown about regarding Coyle’s wages once we started rising up the table last season.
  12. Exciting times with Veldman I feel! Just hope in terms of recruitment, we’re still incredibly competitive despite what looks will be a younger group this upcoming season At the end of the day, we’re a championship club operating at a decent level and not strictly a youth team . Hope the balance in age and readiness works out well. I feel confident with this appointment
  13. Think Inverness fans will enjoy watching Davidson. Like what’s been mentioned earlier, he can play right back and central midfield. He’s a good size, he’s deceptively quick, loads of energy and can contribute with a couple goals and assists along the way. He’s got a bit of fearlessness about him when running with the ball(like the goal he scored against you 1st day of the season). If you ask the fans, I’d imagine most including myself would have a place for Davidson this season but for one reason or another, the management team were never totally convinced. We tried to replace him with 5/6 different right backs and fortunately for Davidson, most were absolutely god awful which meant he got a fair share of minutes. Marcel Oakley joined late January and from then on, Davidson was never really seen in the starting eleven again bar 2 or 3 games in midfield which he again looked decent in Ultimately he’s a young guy which means he does have some flaws defensively that will need ironed out if he’s to make a lasting impact at Inverness. Despite scoring a terrific opening day goal against Inverness, he was equally at fault for Inverness’s equaliser with a woeful attempted clearance. His defensive weaknesses never seemed to convince Coyle looking from the outside. All the best to him, he’s 100% a decent championship player with loads of room to grow. I was ultimately disappointed but not surprised to see him released. Hope he doesn’t come back to haunt us throughout next season
  14. Yeah I thought Kilday would’ve got a gig elsewhere in the championship after his performances this season. I think if you ask any QP fan, Kilday was easily our most consistent performer at centre back. Took his game to new levels after a couple of injury plagued seasons when he first joined us in league 2. Very intelligent player who seemed to have gained a yard of pace as result of getting fitter. Unfortunately towards the last 2 months of the season, the injuries seemed to be returning and ultimately the new model QP seem to be going with, it has massive emphasis on young players so Kilday was always going to be at risk of being released. Wish him all the best, cant talk down any player who took us from league 2 all the way to 45 mins from the premiership. Providing he stays fit, he’ll stroll league 1 Can you take Louis longridge off us please…
  15. I’m holding back on how i think Raith will do until the likes of Dundee United, thistle and ourselves have recruited. Teams that do early business in the summer seem to always get slightly overhyped in some way. There’s no doubt Raith have signed some decent players for this level but except for Hamilton (excellent signing) I’m not totally wowed by them(never been too convinced with Murray so that might contribute to this)Could be so wrong come next May in fairness Dundee United should win the league but the pressure on Goodwin will be enormous from day 1. Can envisage a slow first quarter but will pick up as the season progresses QP on the brink of appointing veldman from Anderlecht which is incredibly exciting on the face of it but recruitment needs to be spot on as we’re so light in numbers currently. Got to be aiming for playoffs Dark horse for me is Dunfermline. Can see them having a very good season
  16. Worth noting on the official website that when you click on the player profiles, almost all the players stats are re-set for the 23-24 except for; Longridge and Fox- Not signed as of yet so understandable Brown and Eze- Brown now departed, possibly Eze away then ?
  17. I see on Twitter the Dutch guy we’re linked with as manager has said his goodbyes to anderlecht yesterday. Looking likely this might be the new guy in charge hopefully
  18. Considering Brown was initially contracted for another year before his EK move, will there be any more departures? Realistically the standout one would be Stephen Eze ? Completely out of favour at the end of the season and with Coyle gone, wouldn’t surprise me to see him part ways
  19. Wish Brown all the best and he recaptures the early form he had when he joined back in 2021. Realistically lowland League should be a walk in the park for a player of his ability. Seems like EK are going for it this year In terms of squad space, I’m not bothered about freeing up space from a player who hasn’t played in almost a year. Free up more wage for a quality midfielder to come in. In an ideal world I’d love to sign Kyle turner from thistle but can see him ending up at premiership side
  20. Always liked him but injuries killed him here and looking from the outside, killed his chances at QOTS. Maybe like Craig Slater, part time football will suit his body more. More than capable of being very decent at league 2 level
  21. I mean, I’m not going to say no to Anderlecht’s assistant. On paper at least, that sounds incredibly exciting
  22. Goalkeepers Callum Ferrie Jaques Heraghty Defenders Tommy Robson Stephen Eze Cameron Bruce Alex Bannon Midfielders Jack Thomson Patrick Jarrett Grant Savoury Attackers Dom Thomas Scott Williamson Aaron Healy
  23. Realising we’ve reached the stinking patter stage of the close season…
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