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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Did you think of this one after huffing the fumes from your tractor, farmer boy?
  2. Would have him back at Dens. To think he was a boo boy for some time back in those days.
  3. That's Jordi arrived in Dundee, last seen at the city quay. No doubt taking Konrad's flat.
  4. It's to stop degenerate dweebs like yourself from making an arse of themselves trying to slaver their post-drinking food order to some unlucky young adult.
  5. Mate, there's a whole host of ne'er do wells who have achieved "success" piggybacking off their team.
  6. He's probably more talented that every single St. Johnstone player ever, combined.
  7. Going to have another play-through, as I'm sure I wasn't that far away decision wise to have a different ending.
  8. Completed the main story. Can't help but say I'm sad at how it ended, got to say that Geralt gets quite a tough deal.
  9. What if he starts the season though? Even if he doesn't, a captain at a professional football club is more than just a captain on the pitch. Involves a lot more off the pitch than I think you realise. He's definitely got the attributes to be a good leader for us.
  10. I'm fucking awful at Gwent. Fucking impenetrable fog... -__-
  11. Ended up with a GPA of 3.63, so I'm graduating with a 2:1. Only got a B in my dissertation, which prevented me from getting my GPA up to the first class boundary of 3.75. Still pleased though. Applying for my masters in July to hopefully start in January.
  12. Not a whisky expert by any stretch but I found that the 18yo had a real hint of chocolate orange about it, which made a real change to most the other types of whisky I've tried.
  13. For what it's worth I realised my mistake the moment I posted it but I knew someone would pick up on it. *Whisky
  14. This. Also played Darts all the time with the old drunk guy in the bar at the very start in Aberdeen Harbour.
  15. Got the main game for £16 in Tescos, can tell it's going to be tremendous. Already thinking about buying the DLC.
  16. Back of the telly reporting that Yordi hasn't been signed to replace Hemmings or Stewart. Not a bad thing adding squad depth really, which is clearly what this signing is doing. I think Stewart will sign a 1 year extension as well...
  17. It's a no from me. That "green" looks too much like a minty blue for my liking. Whatever tickles your baws I suppose.
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