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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Just tagged in this on Facebook by my old man, never knew there was a picture taken. Doubt there's many that have been cradled by the city's greatest captain.
  2. True. Tbh I do think they have reason to do so today; sure the artificial ones will be fine but the grass will be absolutely solid after last night. Should say hi next time we play so I know who you are.
  3. We are respectably lower mid-table. But aye, pitches are frozen. Nae use.
  4. Anyone reckon the riverside grass pitches will be okay for a 10.30 kick off? I've had to get a 7.15 bus into town just to make sure I'm on time for the match and other Valentines related nonsense. Will not be a happy bunny if I've had to get up early for no reason.
  5. Is he not on a long(ish) contract? Would think we could hold out for a bit more than that tbh.
  6. On a gallon of water a day (obviously pissing like a racehorse), and it's helping a lot with keeping the water weight off and helping me keep the body fat down. Would recommend thoroughly to anyone to invest in a gallon water bottle.
  7. A banana doesn't contain a harmful amount of potassium. How am I talking pish? http://scienceline.ucsb.edu/getkey.php?key=2204 A wee article detailing how potassium prevents cramps.
  8. Potassium and sodium will balance your salt levels and electrolytes; fixes cramps/muscle spasms.
  9. It's just fast travel. There's a vertibird on the outside as well, which takes you to the airport.
  10. Offer a new contract: McGinn (2 Year) McGowan (2 Year) Harkins (1 Year) Konrad (1 Year) Kerr (3 Years) The rest I'm not bothered about.
  11. Brechin is dire, however Wick is the correct answer. Absolutely fucking bleak.
  12. Tankulic has signed for a team in the 4th league in Germany; Sportsfreunde Lotte. That's quite a drop.
  13. Only idiots have started the abuse of Stewart. Boy is a class act, he just doesn't track back a lot; I can deal with that if he's chipping in with assists and goals.
  14. I was thinking £750k. He's not "young" per se, but he is still to hit his peak IMO, and he doesn't really rely on pace so his game won't suffer that much as he gets older.
  15. Apparently you lot were trying to sign Greg Stewart last night as well.
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