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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. I spent a good hour or two scrapping EVERYTHING scrappable in sanctuary to make a giant f**k off steel wall, steel enclosure and wooden house. Got a spot light, 4 guard posts, water pump and a flamethrower.
  2. You do more damage against the Deathclaw while he's climbing up from underground. If you pepper him with minigun rounds while he's doing that, you'll take a good chunk of his health off.
  3. Balaka on the Perth road. Great restaurant also.
  4. Come on now; not a bite. Merely directing our farmer friend out of the thread.
  5. And another pointless, boring post from the forums' resident brain donor. Off you pop tractor botherer.
  6. Seems like Philip Roberts Lite; instead of moaning, work your arse off and keep your head down and concentrate on getting in the team instead of bitching.
  7. Looking at Divs post I noticed he mentioned my name; haven't noticed myself being placed anywhere. Probably a mistake on his part. ETA: or I've been wooshed by a fake Div. Silly me.
  8. Said it after the 2-2 Derby earlier this season he wasn't good enough. Proving it now with his constant shitey performances.
  9. I would sign him up for another year if the rumours about Wigan are true. Could get decentish money for him.
  10. My favourite television show of all time. Bloody hilarious.
  11. I've kept on saying it but McGowan is our best midfielder, he does need to start.
  12. Exactly what's happened. Tad short at the back in terms of CB's; Meggatt didn't have the best of games. Would much rather play him at LB than Kevin Holt though, he's fucking chronic.
  13. We played 6 (I think?) initial matches with the host playing a game to make the numbers even. Then he dropped out to let the loser of that match go into the quarters. Think it was around 12/13 in the tournament I can't exactly remember.
  14. It's actually not all that bad for a G1 pub. Never all that busy though. Probably went to the other extreme of being to cheap, compared to the old Social's mistake of being too pricey.
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