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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Looks fucking brilliant. As does this.
  2. Ah, I guess it's not humour for you unless there's a wee quip about domestic abuse.
  3. Aye, I take it those in the west coast are still buying second hand woodchip wallpaper?
  4. Après ball, tambour lou.

  5. Pretty darn beautiful high resolution picture of Pluto. Can even make out a love heart shape on the surface.
  6. I genuinely have a bit of a freak out if I see/hear a wasp/bee on the bus. If it's busy, I can't fucking move anywhere and I have to sit and pray that it doesn't land on me; if it did I'd shriek in terror and probably get laughed at. I fucking hate them.
  7. Daddy long legs are sound as f**k; good pest control and they are endearing with their clumsy dancing around. The entire wasp population can go take a run and jump though; I wouldn't care about the food chain repercussions, they are absolutely vile, pointless little shits.
  8. Eh, how is this surprising? That's the age where you can start driving.
  9. Apparently he walked unaided to his car and seemed fine.
  10. Aye just seen it on Facebook. That looks fucking awful.
  11. It was only a DVT he had, a course of blood thinners should sort that out.
  12. Also our development team (with McPake and McGowan playing) beat Morton's development team 7-2.
  13. 0-0 against some Hungarian team in the closed door game at half time.
  14. http://www.dundeefc.co.uk/news/gate-prices-201516 Gate prices for next season.
  15. Going to be trying my hand at tennis tomorrow; my dad was a good tennis player in his youth, he just didn't have the temperament and determination to take his game to the next level though. Hopefully the tennis genes are in me somewhere.
  16. Got these last week. Love them. Also Monster those Magnums are lovely, never actually seen them before!
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