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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. The intro to Scotland 2015 on BBC2 is fucking shite and cheap.
  2. Both Ronaldo and Messi are two of the best footballers to have ever kicked a ball; instead of continually trying to place one upon a pedestal above the other, why not just appreciate they both score ridiculous amounts of goals in single seasons and consistently break records? Yeah, Ronaldo scored more penalties? So what? He still needed to score them. A goal against the opposition is a goal nonetheless.
  3. I know right? I mean, it's so easy to score penalties against professional goalkeepers while tens of thousands watch on; goals against the opposition are clearly stratified depending on how they are actually scored.
  4. Take this nonsense somewhere else please. Why not let your grievances be known through PM? Hope this thread gets back on track soon.
  5. Kevin McDonald is leaving wolves...reckon we should sign him up?
  6. Deep vein thrombosis in one of his legs.ETA: Vein, not vain, you silly c**t.
  7. The Samaritans isn't exclusively for people who are feeling depressed or who are suicidal. If you are feeling negative in any way, and you want to talk about those negative feelings with someone who will listen to you, then Samaritans are for you. Unfortunately, there are not more services like the Samaritans; the whole premise of the service is to open up and talk about your feelings that are causing you to feel emotionally distressed. Opening up, whether it be anonymously or not, is the best thing for alleviating negative feelings in my opinion (From my own experience also); don't lambast others for opening up. If you don't like what you see, just don't read the thread.
  8. Can't really remember the last time I looked on the Facebook thread, to be honest. When it comes down to someone opening up about how shite they're feeling (and to them, it's obviously having a strong negative effect), that person should never feel like they are going to be mocked for doing so. I've seen it many times myself that once a person is mocked or ridiculed for actually talking about their true feelings, whether positive or negative, they will have reservations about opening up again; which at least can be very emotionally harmful, and at the most downright dangerous.
  9. No one here can be the judge of that.
  10. It would be akin to a rabbit in the headlights. Not composed enough to be in midfield.
  11. Pretty much spot on. No one here is in any position to question the nature of a persons' current emotional state. I'm a definite advocate of speaking about feelings, opening up and in general just getting things off your chest if they are getting you down. Anyone who mocks a person for doing so, and anyone who mocks the reaction to a certain situation a person is in when they are completely oblivious to the circumstances should be ashamed.
  12. McPake has a DVT. Hartley didn't want to chance putting him on a plane.
  13. Exactly. Every time I've phoned I've had to wait at least 1 hour 45 minutes. Have to wait the same time regardless if I order over the phone or online.
  14. You try eating a curry that's proper lukewarm while it festers in some blokes car while waiting to be delivered. Shite.
  15. Overrated shite. Used to be good when it was on Peddie Street. Now takes around 2 hours to deliver to Invergowrie which is pretty shocking.
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