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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. You lucky, lucky c**t. Well done. I'm still pished from last night and I fucking love it. Mon the Dee.
  2. It's one big fucking reunion haha. All we need now is CC33
  3. A shitey Scottish one. Was changed this year and it's an absolute pile of w**k; don't like the whole GPA system either. My 3rd year class is the first where the results in 3rd year count towards degree classification as well. ETA: Cheers Mozza!
  4. So, signed off 3rd year with an A in my stats exam. Delighted. Final form for 3rd year is as follows: A+, A, B+, A, A+, A, A+, A, A, B+, A, C+, B+. That 2nd C of my university career will haunt me. ETA: Changed a wee error!
  5. One can undertake many summer projects. You should maybe start a project and work on not being a mad rager.
  6. Bought some sugar soap today; got a lot of alcohol stains on my adi's so it's going to be a wee summer project of mine to try and get them into presentable nick. Any help from those experienced with sugar soap?
  7. Haha...I'm sure if you have a clever search of Google you will find news stories about it. And it's not her, no.
  8. And your wrong! The one on the left is Spanish/Mexican. Just recognised her there also.
  9. One of those ladies in the picture is rather infamous in Dundee for an incident involving a packet of cigarettes. Her sister is also in the picture, who incidentally went to my school. That camo wearing wildebeest is fucking brutal.
  10. If you constantly listen to music that is played in minor keys, your IQ will increase on average by 4 points.
  11. Was it not 7k originally? Might be 5k without his "saft feet" bonus right enough.
  12. I'd give Godzilla another preseason and see what's going on early next season. If he's not up to much then we can punt him in January on loan some place.
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