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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Take it we have settled any fee due for him then? We are so #money.
  2. Kevin Holt has signed a PCA. http://www.dundeefc.co.uk/news/holt-signs-pre-contract
  3. Such an insignificant post; imagine even passing comment on it?
  4. Hitler was a pretty decent orator. He definitely stood up for himself from time to time as well.
  5. Oh you fucker Kane Hemmings and Stewart up front, with Wighton in behind and Harkins, Gowser and Thomson pulling the strings from the midfield. HAPPY DAYS
  6. You're fucking pathetic btw. It's blatantly obvious that your wee stats table for Clarkson is skewed cause he went on a total fluke run of scoring goals. He contributes the square root of f**k all in general play, and without his flukey goals he is worse than getting a corner flag stuck up your arsehole. Just away and shite.
  7. So, a little bit of a rant coming up, but it's a subject close to my heart nonetheless. In Scotland, and I'd imagine the UK as a whole, there is a tangible problem with mental health. Suicide is the leading cause of death amongst males of early adult age, 20 onwards up until 35 years of age; I've heard of numerous stories about individuals being passed from pillar to post in regards to CPN appointments, GP appointments, care worker appointments and all of the rest, and it just makes me question our government and health service's collective commitment to mental health services as a whole. The bottom line is that there is no money available to ensure people with mental health issues are given the help they need. We have £billions being spent on infrastructure such as HS2 that we don't need, renewal of nuclear weapons that we don't need; we are throwing an obscene amount of money at things that as country we do not need. What do we need? We need to spend the money that we are spending on the above to fund programmes and services which ensure that those with mental health issues are not left behind, and ultimately prevent the staggering number of suicides that unfortunately occur in this country. Surely as a country we can all agree that suicide, regardless of circumstance, is an utter tragedy, and should be treated and cared for in equal terms of other physical ailments. To anyone that is reading this who may feel they have a mental health issue, always feel free to get in contact if you ever want to talk, because that is the best way to deal with your feelings; always, always talk. Alternatively, go to your GP and discuss possible avenues that you can take, never suffer alone, you deserve better.
  8. Aye, you can swap McAlister and Harkins; it was only a rough idea. Loy can compete with Stewart, Tankulic, and Wighton
  9. Ah, see, I think if we have a midfield pivot of McGowan, McAlister and Thomson, with a backline of McPake, Konrad, Holt and Irvine, we wouldn't concede that many goals. A front three of pacey Winger number 1, Stewart/Wighton and pacey winger number 2 all interchanging would be great. Barcelona-esque almost. ETA: Obviously it's a pipe dream, and we'd get scudded with that sort of set up, but I think it'd be good going forward. Is there any team in the Premiership that plays an out and out 4-3-3?
  10. http://www.toffs.com/barcelona-1970s-home-retro-football-shirt Bought this. Pretty happy with it!
  11. Benedictus will be shown the door as well, according to the Tele. Disappointed about Reid leaving, although I guess Hartley feels he just isn't up to the standard we need. Does anyone think we should try and play with a 4-3-3 formation next season? We need 2 fast wingers of course to implement this.
  12. With Eck being the SNP's foreign affairs spokesperson, how crucial will be in manoeuvring the In/Out Europe issue in the coming year? Think the SNP have played a blinder by putting him in that position.
  13. I have a long-sleeved medium one. Not selling it though.
  14. Definitely going to a tribunal over Holt. Queen of the South are wanting a decent development fee. The wee cherubs spouting their "admin 3" pish when we cough up the dolla will be cute.
  15. What the f**k you doing in the union you old c**t?
  16. They look great. Pondering whether I should buy it though.
  17. Do you reckon that's on top of the PCA's already agreed? Or including?
  18. Was just away to post this. Good servant, always gave 100%. Hope he does well wherever he goes next.
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