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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Aye, it's alright for what it is. £10 for a pizza and unlimited drinks is not bad going.
  2. See if I asked you what your name was, and you replied "Grimbo", would you then sign off that post with "Grimbo" also?
  3. How do you manage to type if you're just a collection of clothes?
  4. Was reading one of my pals project proposals and instead of "convenience sampling", they wrote "convenient sampling"; absolutely boiled my piss.
  5. Absolutely cunted with some form of flu/cold. An evening of takeaway curry and football manager is on the cards.
  6. Diet tonic? You hooligan, it tastes awful. Can't beat a gin and lemonade.
  7. Can imagine it may again be another sell out, since it is quite an important game for us. Hopefully we give them a pumping, we won't get a better chance to do it this season.
  8. My fucking word; the dafties on Mad are talking about stadium sharing with United.
  9. Will never happen. Bain wants first team football.
  10. It was in the business (or Technology?) and innovations building at Strathclyde University. I ended up going to the cooks and indi world buffet, it was quite good.
  11. Off to Glasgow this morning for a conference and I'll be needing some place to eat for Lunch then Tea; I was thinking about the Indian/Chinese Buffet for Tea. Any suggestions for lunch?
  12. Aye; mind and not do yourself out of wee treats now and then. White bread is the devils work, I'll probably never eat it again; however if you get yourself good quality wholegrain bread then it's not too bad to have once in a while. I tend to stick to a good diet throughout the week and just slack off at weekends. The MyFitnessPal app is good, however eventually you begin to develop the ability/habit to just kinda guess how many calories are in certain food based on your experience of scanning food into the app; make sure you stick to using the app religiously to stop yourself from getting lazy.
  13. Implanon contraceptive implant examined Huynh Nguyen Khanh Trang (2007) Mearns Leader [stonehaven (UK)] 17 Mar 2013. Effectiveness and safety of the new contraceptive one-rod implant Implanon® Hoang Thi Diem Tuyet Use of the contraceptive implant beyond the FDA-approved duration (2014) C. McNicholas R. Maddipati, G. Secura, J. Peipert (This study suggests that the rod may well be useful beyond the 4 year limit). Metabolic effects of contraceptive implants in adolescents ☆ (2011) Cristina A.F. Guazzelli, , Flaviano Teixeira de Queiroz, Marcia Barbieri, Fernando A. Barreiros, Maria Regina Torloni, Fabio F. Araujo (The one above even states that the implant doesn't increase any chances of long term cardiovascular diseases, instead, it makes some girls a bit chubby - the horror). A lot of the literature that I see points out that it's actually quite beneficial to the health of a female. You're going to need to link me to those studies you were referring to. ETA: I apologise for the formatting of the post; it doesn't seem to agree with links from articles being posted.
  14. Yeah, there's the issue. A woman who takes the contraceptive implant for 2 renewals (8 years in total) will most likely not develop any complications whatsoever. Surely you can plan a family around that 8 year period where you won't be having kids?
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