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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Good stuff. What changes have you found that help you the most?
  2. That can kill lasses if they are unknowingly pregnant and they get the coil put in. An absolutely awful risk to take.
  3. Right, so the age you start using the contraceptive implant won't potentially impact its usefulness? So, your last part of the post; if a female takes gaps between their renewal, say 2 years between every 4 year implant, are the risks reduced or not?
  4. Why aren't you addressing the age question I've posed? Is it going to affect every female? Or just ones who have got it renewed 3 or 4 times?
  5. At my age, yes; I'm 20 for f**k sake. My question in regards to the side effects of the rod affecting older women have been ignored, so it seems these side effects must affect every female who gets the rod, and not ones past the age of 35.
  6. I'm not saying it's painless. I am saying I'm scared of some doc tampering with the inner workings of my testes, however.
  7. Exactly. Absolute "baws out" behaviour if they don't wince at the idea.
  8. Psychology, which I'm sure you know covers the endocrine system and how hormones affect our behaviour. ETA: Hud the bus, you didn't answer my question; do these side effects that you refer to only affect women of an older vintage? Like I've said, I don't know anyone with the rod to complain of any side effects, but that may be the fact that those who I know that have the rod are in their early 20s.
  9. Good one. Nah, I was helping a friend get through some issues and he came out with that; he's not one for opening up so it was quite a surprise. Makes life all that much more pleasant in my opinion if you can help someone like that.
  10. You can wind your neck in old timer; I've covered this in my course of my studies. I'm well aware of the LONG term risks; it gets renewed after every 4 years I believe, and I think the recommended amount of renewals is around 3 times is it not? I'm wondering if this renewal issue is more pertinent for people of an older vintage?
  11. They're strips of plastic that are implanted under the skin of the arm which contains the hormone etonorgestrel, which of course stops you ovulating. Nothing too sinister I think.
  12. I don't know of the side effects; near enough every girl that I know that's got the rod hasn't reported such negatives. I asked earlier on if it's to do with age.
  13. I can't imagine getting a rod stuck into your arm is the same as getting your bollocks tampered with.
  14. This just isn't true. It's a far less traumatising experience than getting the snip for goodness sake. ETA: I'm saying this from a rather youthful viewpoint; any lass that I know (including my current girlfriend) that has got the rod hasn't got any bad side effects yet. Does this change when you get older?
  15. Am I f**k ever getting the snip; sounds too uncomfortable. Just get the missus to get the rod.
  16. Been complimented for being a sensitive individual today - tis was genuinely one of the best moments of my life. << Sensitive soul.
  17. I like my baby blue CW tobaccos, never wear them though
  18. I've got a pair of baby blue all suede Stan Smiths, they have been worn about twice; they're too nice to get dirty!
  19. Had these for a while; my favourite pair of Spezial that I own!
  20. £8.50 for as many toppings as you want, £1.50 for unlimited fizzy drinks. So a tenner for the pizza and unlimited drinks basically. The garlic and Parmesan cheese slices is £3.50. You can get a pizza salad for £7.50 which my girlfriend had and it looked pretty good. You don't need to sit in, you can takeaway but you obviously can't get unlimited fizzy drinks that way.
  21. 2nd time I've been to Project Pie in Dundee and it's absolutely brilliant! Pictures are from last night before anyone thinks I'm eating that for breakfast.
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