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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Good to hear RN. It's been mentioned before but just take one day at a time.
  2. I can't evade your stupidity since your posts are coming up through quotes. Are you aware of cortisol toxicity?
  3. He's clearly taking the mickey. He's on my block list now.
  4. Didn't even have a football team at the school I went to, it was all rugby!
  5. I was playing football earlier on and I got past a defender to get through on goal; he knees me in my right thigh but thankfully I stayed up and managed to slot it into the bottom corner. It hurt quite a bit at the time but I managed to play the rest of the game, however now it's really quite swollen and it's painful to bend my knee due to a burning pain in the middle-side of my thigh. Should I maybe head to the docs or should I maybe just ice it and see what happens?
  6. Superficial? You do realise that the actual illness of depression can seriously impact your physiology? I'm beginning to think you're taking the mickey.
  7. There needs to be a reduction of this gap between physical and mental health; they're both as crucial as each other.
  8. If you feel like something isn't quite right with your mental wellbeing, then chances are there is something wrong. Mental illness is just as important to get treated as physical illness; it's the GP's job to help you. It's also the first place you should go if you want practical help. If you fancy a chat, then feel free to drop me a PM.
  9. I'll throw in a curve ball and say dark chocolate bounty's are also brilliant.
  10. I've came to the conclusion that "Double Decker" bars are the best chocolate bars going; they're utterly brilliant.
  11. Arcade Fire The Strokes Arctic Monkeys David Bowie Jussi Bjorling
  12. Profiteroles were actually a relative success, if you factor in that I can't bake to save myself (I do make a good brownie, however). They rose alright, and weren't like flat Yorkshire puddings which is always a good thing. Shame they tasted disappointing.
  13. Depression can manifest itself in many ways, and can be brought about by the seemingly most inane things. Never make a judgement regarding it unless you know the full picture.
  14. Making profiteroles for the first time tomorrow. Wish me luck.
  15. May be easy for me to say but try and not take notice of some of the flippant comments on here. If you fancy a chat, then drop me a private message. More than willing to lend a listening ear.
  16. Is this in addition to the one we already have lined up? Or are you just a day behind?
  17. This mindless spending needs to stop. He must be on about 20k a week.
  18. That ginger boy went to my school before heading to Craigie High. He's Celtic daft.
  19. Apparently we've signed Meggatt from Alloa on a PCA. Hope it's true.
  20. That is the positive side to this horrible situation. When you're not in the shade it's very nice. I scream like a girl if they come within 5 metres of me; I fucking hate them.
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