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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Seems a bit off hiding the prices of the micro transactions to early reviewers though. Game seems like it should be free to play with how much cars cost and the grind required to get even a modest amount of credits.
  2. I'm an outsider to this franchise but it seems this release has been a bit of a disaster.
  3. I think we could be in for a nuclear sunrise in the near future.
  4. That’s true, but besides his occasional leering behaviour towards women in his videos, and unconfirmed stories of his past, his content is still very good to watch.
  5. I’m a bit scunnered looking for an adequate CPU, since I’m not entirely sure what exact model my Mobo is. I THINK it’s a H310M-HDV Asrock; so not top of the line and I’m not wanting to fork out good money to realise I need a new motherboard cause the current one lacks a particular socket. Any suggestions on upgrading an i5-9400f with that motherboard in mind? I’ve tried looking but coming up a bit short on definitive answers.
  6. 7 minutes added time? Yeah, in fact i’d be all for disrupting games if it meant more chances to win the game (if I didn’t support Dundee). Load of shite, anyone who thinks that’s acceptable then they’re deluding themselves.
  7. Why would we? There’s no strict liability in Scottish football, mind.
  8. Ones that take place outside of their own tips, not ones that disrupt matches and adds extra time to games.
  9. Absolutely, c***s that do it should be banned from games entirely. Unfortunately it would never happen as it would leave Celtic Park and Ibrox empty.
  10. Direct action should mean actual points deduction for this pish, not letting both Celtic and Rangers disrupt matches wanton.
  11. Why are they not being chucked out? They doing it for the added time? Surely to f**k that’s cheating; no?
  12. It’s only a foul depending on who was the last person to have a hold of the other players shirt, obviously. They are fucking imbeciles, to a man.
  13. When are other teams going to start standing up to the fucking cheating pish that the two arsecheeks get away with?
  14. Ridden doing well with limited service. Good boy to have in the Championship.
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