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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. You can actually hear Sky Sports dulling the sound channel that was picking up the songbook. Wish to f**k they were docked points for that pish.
  2. Looks like it was made in Windows Movie Maker.
  3. Gaming. I’ve not noticed anything significant in terms of a bottleneck. Used some websites to double check and there shouldn’t be a significant issue if any. Next upgrade will be a CPU anyway so not all that worried after some research. Cheers!
  4. The red is territories they’ve passed through, not full control. Think US and Vietnam.
  5. Arcade Fire's new album "WE" is out May 6th. Looking forward to it; could be a tremendous return to form after a bit of a lacklustre release in "Everything Now" (although I do love that album). Very Springsteen-esque in the first song "Lightning I". Lighting II steals the show for me though. Album will be comprised of 10 songs, halfed into different "sides" so to speak; 40 minutes long exactly: "isolation and anxiety is emphasized on side one and a sense of community is reached on side two" Has contributions from Peter Gabriel, and wholey produced by Nigel Godrich. Pitchfork (I know) Review: https://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/arcade-fire-the-lightning-i-ii/
  6. Data from self-reported questionnaires can be filed straight in the bin, when it comes to research unfortunately.
  7. Gabapentin/Pregablin combined with dihydrocodeine is very good for pain/dozing off, apparently.
  8. Ask the doctors for Gabapentin or Pregablin. Will help the pain immeasurably.
  9. Me and my pals went in there after the Hive shut around 5am around 6/7 years ago. Had a proper sit down meal; was surreal the bits I remember. Having bouncers on the door at an “Italian” restaurant was hilarious to my younger self. One of my pals ordered spaghetti bolognese and ended up spewing it all over the toilets; whether that’s testament to the food or how cheap the drinks were in Hive at the time I don’t know.
  10. I’ll drop you an invite soon. Unless you want to start white!
  11. Thanks for all the matches in Division C folks. Looking forward to Division B.
  12. f**k that. I’m not working for a pension I’ll never get to see because there won’t be a retirement age/pension when I’m older. I don’t buy flashy phones or cars, complete waste of money. I spend my money on my hobbies, my partner and my dog. We have a roof over our head, a nice TV, we eat nice food and sleep in a comfy bed. I’m not going to worry about money and compound interest, life is far too short.
  13. I’d say that it’s absolutely okay to rattle through it at your own pace. There’s no need or requirement to “git gud” quickly. Just soak it in and take your time with each boss fight/bouts of exploration. There’s also no shame in looking online for help/explanations for anything souls related, since the in game help/lore is not easily accessible. I’d implore you to just take your time with it. Best game I’ve ever played imo.
  14. I’m literally planning on dying with loads of unsecured debt, no point hoarding money; can’t be the richest person in the graveyard.
  15. Is Ivano going to be our new manager? Couldn’t get any more ridiculous.
  16. Joint account for bills I’ve heard of; I’ve never heard of a joint “spending” account. “Spending” unless it’s for the house is done from me or my partners own account, depending on who and what it’s for. If it’s meal then we take turns about or go halfers. If my missus is wanting to buy fancy shampoo you can be sure as hell it wouldn’t be getting dipped out of a joint account. f**k that for noise.
  17. He can do something different, and try to even indicate to the fans he’s interested in trying something different. c**t doesn’t seem interested at all; literally a wee bonus that Strachan got for him. That’s all this job seems to be for him.
  18. He can do something different, and try to even indicate to the fans he’s interested in trying something different. c**t doesn’t seem interested at all; literally a wee bonus that Strachan got for him. That’s all this job seems to be for him.
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