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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. I’d agree. I’m not a fan of 1-day chess but it’s “1-day” for a reason.
  2. But that was defensive, and all things considered (at the risk of sounding a bit insensitive, I’m sorry) the stakes were far greater. I don’t think they want to chuck thousands upon thousands at this. The soldiers certainly don’t anyway, whereas in Stalingrad I’m pretty sure the soldiers were on board with what was being done for Stalingrad.
  3. Division C XCTR94 beats the_kid1433 by resignation. A fucking WILD game of chess; probably the lowest accuracy I’ve had in day chess for…a few years. I was essentially having to target pawns only as The_Kid had gobbled a bishop and a knight of mine early on and my only route to checkmate was the h-file rook and Queen doing something. My opponent made a mistake in pulling his king into the corner square with only a pawn protecting him on that side so my rook and Queen could corner him. I would have kept going as you still have a bishop and a knight but could understand the frustration at that point as you played great. 50% accuracy on my part in daily chess is hilarious. [emoji28]
  4. Absolutely, I agree with you there, but there are some things that happen in this world that people will never be held accountable for; a lot of those “things” occur during war. It’s sad.
  5. Pandora’s box springs to mind, no? The proverbial can of worms?
  6. You’re not “supposed” to fire on retreating enemies. Actually scrap that, you are, on checking that. Nevermind.
  7. Unfortunately any c**t that believes any invading force, or indeed any army whatsoever follows the “modern” rules of conduct for engagement and/or the Geneva convention are deluding themselves.
  8. Makes sense the slush fund is essentially useless if they can’t trade their reserves for more rubles.
  9. Are other countries (specifically ones closer to Russia) smelling Russian/Putin blood and potentially rounding on him? Having Belarus as your only real ally is a bit shit.
  10. It’s fairly forgiving for a souls game; but it’s certainly not “easy”. There are checkpoints for when you reach a boss that allow you to just respawn at the boss instead of having to retread through enemy strongholds again and again. It’s definitely not unfair either, gameplay wise. The first boss in the first area is a definite step up in terms of difficulty compared to other souls games though; don’t give up with it and be patient, you’ll definitely die a lot but that’s a part of the process.
  11. I mean, with all the posts about arseholes, fingers, and shagging, it’s no surprise really.
  12. Anyone playing Elden Ring then? It’s phenomenal now I’ve got around 10 hours of playtime; around level 30 going a Dex/Keen build as a Samurai. Some of the enemies and locations are visually stunning.
  13. This is what me and partner are being quoted for fixed with octopus. Our last bill was for £66 (we are on variable at the moment) should we go for it? We don’t use much electric or gas (mostly gas heating in the morning and for 10-15 minutes at night before bed). Cooker uses gas as well.
  14. Division C XCTR94 beats Markf268 by checkmate. Unfortunate pawn structure and opening from Mark gave me the checkmate from quite early on, little he could do as his king was boxed in and I had a bishop/queen trap lined up from quite early on. Had my rook on the last file to secure the Queen checkmate. Well played buddy.
  15. Elden Ring is great so far; only reached the Tree Sentinel and have had my arse handed to me so I suppose I’ll need to get gud and try again tomorrow. Have some frame drop issues/stuttering but will mess around with the settings and try to resolve it, apparently a common issue on the PC version so far. Might even get it on console. I have an RTX 2060 and an i5-9400f cpu so I should be running it on high no bother.
  16. Depends what level you want to start at; you won't get into top amateur teams, as they usually have a mixture of ex-junior/semi-pro players. Amateur has a wide range of skill levels though, and the standard can be atrocious to suprisingly good, sometimes better to watch than some top flight games. Most important aspect is to remember it is amateur, and it is purely done for the love of the game. Always important to remember that whilst playing amateur.
  17. Who do you think we are, comrade? Spasibo, cyka.
  18. Then why even bother to setup against them in the east then? For keeping up appearances? Were Ukraine banking on foreign backup?
  19. Suggest to me that the Ukrainian army aren’t interested in fighting back tbh.
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