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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. It’s a shame about Hugh Abbot in terms of the series because he was a very good character; probably on par with Peter Mannion having some sort of fortitude about their values, but the actor is a wrong-un.
  2. Sure think, would possibly have to be late tomorrow night if that’s alright? What’s your user?
  3. That's true; think I've jumped the gun there, just think Dundee should be ensuring all of their staff are doing okay to the best of their abilities as employers.
  4. For what it's worth, I hope members of the squad/staff were letting him stay at theirs at least for a period of time whilst he was having issues. Obviously don't know the extent of the issues but for the sake of human kindness you'd think a squad would be tight knit enough to help him out.
  5. Would also like to know why we were letting him live out of a car seemingly? Surely he could have flat-shared?
  6. Jesus fucking christ that whole thread is a heartwrenching read.
  7. I thought you dodged the knight-queen-king fork the move prior but you moved your queen afterwards to I assume to fork my rook and knight but just forgot where your king was; like you said it was maybe just a bit too early in the morning!
  8. Division C XCTR94 beats Mackieboz by checkmate. Another great game, f**k knows how this is division C cause everyone I’ve played has been rock solid, with just being purely unlucky with the tiniest things. Thank you for the game chief.
  9. Division C XCTR94 beats Markf268 by resignation. Great game of chess; very well played by Mark, however it ended up with my rook pinning his bishop against the king and with 2 pawns on the advance for upgrading there wasn’t much else he could have done.
  10. Ach I’d give it more credit than “wasn’t that good”. Considering the circumstances; you reckon Bain would have saved it?
  11. I’m so, so sorry to hear this. I’ll make it known that your music taste is absolutely tremendous and I’ve found some great music thanks to some of the stuff you’ve posted in this part of the forum. No doubt you make those close to you extraordinarily happy and proud. Look after yourself Jimi. Having said that, Only Shallow as a funeral tune would get a few funny looks for sure.
  12. Our Prime Minister thinks our rivers taste like nectar.
  13. Giving the Tories enough time to sack him and replace him and make it all go away. It needs to be cut throat from Labour here and it’s just not.
  14. f**k me, what a rambling mess Bojo is; shame Keir Starmer is wet sock.
  15. I’m getting a feeling that Bojo might be toast sooner rather than later.
  16. And I said Ukraine was a bastion of democracy and a utopia of sorts, yeah? No bother. [emoji23] Years upon years of pseudo-intellectual snobbery from you to essentially every poster you interact with on this site says a lot about you more than my supposed “pea-brained” analysis says about myself.
  17. Feel free to point out where or how I even implied that, champ.
  18. Some game we are having at the moment. Checkmate in less than 5 for both of us.
  19. Financially yes, Belarus is better off, but eh, they have a mini-Putin in charge, so...
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