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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Nicola Murray: I don't use lifts, I'm claustrophobic. Malcolm Tucker: You're what? Nicola Murray: Not hugely - I can be in rooms, you've seen that. I just don't do lifts, that's all. Malcolm Tucker: This lift is... I mean, it's f***ing huge! This is bigger than some rooms! This is bigger than some people's flats! Nicola Murray: It's about not being able to get out. Malcolm Tucker: Oh, well that's great. That's f***ing great. That's another f***ing thing, right there. Not only you've got a f***ing bent husband and a f***ing daughter that gets taken to school on a f***ing sedan chair, you're also f***ing mental! Jesus Christ, see you, you are a f***ing omni-shambles, that's what you are. You're like that coffee machine, you know, "From bean to cup, you f*** up."
  2. Belarus is hardly any better, all things considered.
  3. Can’t go about questioning the “independent” Met though, you’d may as well be exiled to Madagascar.
  4. Also Belarus are now saying Ukraine are stacking troops on their border; what a fucking Putin bootlicker Lukashenko is.
  5. That urgent question session was a complete and utter farce; and BJ looking like a fucking corpse in his address is fantastic to see. Hope he has a massive coronary.
  6. The last point about secret bank accounts could harm basically every world leader and country; they wouldn’t dare reveal the sheer amount of dirty money that circulates through various financial centres, state-owned and private companies throughout the world.
  7. Can’t wait until we blow ourselves up with nukes. Sweet release. Also, top banter when Russian subs end up on the British coast to blow us up instead.
  8. You do get players who are in an no-lose position who will stall out longer sets just to frustrate the opponent into resigning. Christ GM Hikamaru gets some players into positions where he gets most of his pawns upped to rooks and just fucks them around.
  9. But as been highlighted, there’s clear issues with the day-turn rules. I totally understand why the day-turn rule is in place, we aren’t professional chess players, we have lives and other things to do; however, if you want classical chess, you’re looking at FIDE’s rule set:
  10. Mackieboz, I’ll be on at some point today to start a game.
  11. I’d say if agreed by both players beforehand then 10 minutes should be the time limit. Otherwise the remaining the rule stays in place, for better or worse.
  12. I can only say one thing about McGinn; he has a very unlikeable puss.
  13. Nonplussed about him leaving; good goal to game ratio but he’s not the sort of striker we need, paradoxical as it seems.
  14. I have the attention span of a gold fish if I'm playing anything resembling classical/daily-play chess so that's why I usually just instantly return a move; not calling you slow I'm just an impatient c**t. Thank you.
  15. Fair does; does my return leg against N5_Spur not count at the moment then or does that win cover the later match?
  16. Fair does; does my return leg against N5_Spur not count at the moment then or does that win cover the later match?
  17. Division C Return Leg against N5_Spurs XCTR94 wins by checkmate. Well played buddy; hard lines with falling into an opening trap with my Queen but fought on. Do I play against Strachanovski again to complete this round of fixtures?
  18. Division C XCTR94 beats N5_Spur by checkmate. Well played buddy; played well defensively but it’s always a struggle when you’re down a 2 bishops and a rook against 2 rooks. Less pawns as well to create those chains made it difficult as well. Onto the next round?
  19. Nevermind, found you! Popped you an invite, think it’s your turn to setup the game since I’m away!
  20. Trying to find you in the search bar isn’t yielding any results, is it N5Spur altogether or is it something else? The mobile app for Chess.com is fucking donkey dick.
  21. Division C XCTR beats Strachanovski by checkmate. Long game but I’m not used to the longer day turns so that’s to be expected; traded a lot of pawn material earlier on but that suited me allowing me to bring my pieces out to play fairly sharpish in the game. It was a good game and Strachanovski definitely knows his chess by basically playing the best moves he could but ultimately losing his rooks cost him.
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