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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Falling over from said punch and cracking your skull on a curb or the side of a hard seat is a pretty high price to pay, especially from no fault of your own.
  2. I've been looking at it; but there's various sites saying that the W11 support for 7th Gen chips is bare minimum for whatever reason, in that there's only a handful of 7th Gen chips that support it.
  3. PC is saying it’s up to date. I’ve checked through the supported intel processors list and the i5’s cuts off at the 8500’s so I think I might have just missed the boat. I’m not overly arsed but was just a bit taken back that my PC is officially past it.
  4. FWIW I find it strange that a 4 year old PC (albeit with a low-mid CPU by todays standards) can’t run windows 11. Everything else about the device is fine. Would it be safe to hypothetically find an image of W11 and try to install it? Surely it’s not more demanding than W10?
  5. You’re all a bunch of liars. [emoji13]
  6. I’ve been knocked out by some baldy w****r for telling him to stop creeping on a female friend of mine in a nightclub. It’s the right thing to do, but you have to weigh up whether you’re putting yourself in danger by doing it, or avoiding danger yourself by not getting involved. It’s a hard one; we are built for self-preservation whether we like to admit it or not.
  7. I was on that exact same site and thought “nah, not tonight.” [emoji23]
  8. Yeah, possibly not the best comedy wise but for sheer spoken truth I thought it was up there. The Daphne story is heart wrenching.
  9. Dave Chapelle's new special on Netflix is tremendous; highly recommend.
  10. My PC isn’t compatible apparently, due to my i5-7400 3.0Ghz CPU not meeting the requirements. Am I doomed to windows 10 forever or will I be able to install it eventually?
  11. That’s correct. To think they can just divinate that sort of behaviour out of SHEER EVIL is nonsensical, and shows a lack of understanding in basic developmental psychology.
  12. Ninewells is on its arse between lack of staff due to illness, holidays and isolating, lack of a sufficient number of beds because winter illnesses are just beginning to creep in, and medication (specifically saline and other fluids) is getting hard to come by because they are shipped in from the EU and there are shortages/holdups due to Brexit. The only good news is that there’s no one in the main Covid HDU at time of writing.
  13. Murdered in quite spectacular fashion as well, apparently.
  14. With the police on your tail looking for 20 keys of coke that you've got in your trunk.
  15. Anyone still play this? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Aye well looks like PES or whatever the f**k it is has given up the ghost, and although the new FIFA isn’t a ping-ball simulator, it’s still utterly shite and geared towards the fixed UT cash grab. Hopefully a new football game comes into the mix soon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I’d argue that the club needs to protect him in the same vein that they protected Gowser, but it does work both ways. Gowser, albeit a bit of a dick, has pulled it in off the pitch seemingly. Can you trust Griffiths to do the same?
  18. Despite all the missed chances, close calls, we STILL haven’t looked like scoring. Who’s fault is that?
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