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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. SNP/SNP, putting an X beside that dim b*****d Shona Robinson at 10 past 8 this morning was a bit of a sickener. Should have went for green but shat it really.
  2. Coffee does f**k all for me now after I kicked the arse out of it at Uni, so outside of illicit substances I’ll just have a red bull if I’m needing a kick.
  3. SNP are proposing a National Digital Academy which will allow anyone to study highers, anywhere, at any time, for free. That’s a brilliant idea; although I have no use for them now, I’d actually enjoy working through that sort of work just to see what I missed out on in some subjects at school. For those who actually require them to progress further in education and/or their work, it’s a fantastic idea.
  4. Arseholes of that magnitude are more common than you think.
  5. My missus was told by the only locum psychiatrist in Tayside, over the phone, after speaking nonstop without letting her speak, to watch YouTube videos about a particular condition and do her own reading/research. It’s not that much better over here at the moment I’m ashamed to say.
  6. I haven’t had a decent Chinese for a long time. Last good one was from Tongs in Monifeith.
  7. Gowser can absolutely be a decent/good player at this level if he’s alongside someone that has the legs (like Anderson or even Byrne). Paired with Adam it just doesn’t work; but possibly bringing one on for the other at around 55/60 minutes every other game could have some benefits. I think McPake is starting to see that they both can’t play together or play a full match at full power for more than 1 game at a time.
  8. I want to kiss that Friar Tuck b*****ds napper.
  9. MBV’s catalogue is available to stream again after they signed a contract with Domino. Possibly 2 new albums but knowing Shields probably not.
  10. You can forgive Sturgeon for being slightly fatigued, and possibly slower than usual. As much as I dislike the guy, Sarwar has been very good; can easily tell he wants indy.
  11. Surely the toxic members of the SNP defecting to Salmond’s party can only be a good thing in the long run for the SNP? Get rid of the absolute weirdos and palm them off to political obscurity whilst keeping the good c***s?
  12. I’d argue that when (if) we go up, we are going to need someone of a relatively steady ability and reputation. Sick of these cheap punts in the dark from Nelms.
  13. Berra as manager can get right in the fucking sea; jesus suffering f**k.
  14. No child should ever go without a meal, under any circumstances. That's not nannyism; it's literally human decency.
  15. Bumped into Hemmings and Stewart whilst they were both at Dundee, in a bar in Glasgow; must have been the night after a game. Sound c***s. Got my photo with both of them! Scott Bain however is a complete w****r. Lee Wilkie is alright. Sean Dillon is a sound guy as well.
  16. Anderson has the shades of Kevin McDonald in him which is always lovely to see.
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