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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Some patter there tbf. Imagine Morten and Arab fans giving it out. Some cheek. [emoji1787]
  2. It's like folk don't know what contempt of court actually is. Murray is a buffoon.
  3. Time for the Oof meter meme yet? I think (I could be massively wrong) that it'll be a good day for the FM. Get it prepared.
  4. That's the Govt. in receipt of the report; yoons all over twitter already saying Hamilton is an SNP shill. Glorious how fucking scared they are.
  5. Get that baldy c**t Alex Neil in; just been sacked by Preston.
  6. Cameron looks like a private school rugby player playing football.
  7. Christie Elliot taking the piss. Who'd have thunk it.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/jul/14/journalist-stuart-collier-boris-johnson-phone-call-darius-guppy-demands-apology Very easy to do this sort of shite. Which case is worse?
  9. https://www.snp.org/record/ It's telling that Labour don't have anything similar, nor do the rest. Obviously they haven't been in power for a while but...yeah.
  10. 200d chess from an SNP committee member? Unlikely, as much as it'd be bantz.
  11. Knowingly is going to be key. I sincerely doubt she did this knowingly.
  12. I have no doubts that if it turns out she has, beyond all doubt, it won't have been on purpose. Intent means f**k all in politics though; whether she points to others in Bojo's cabinet and uses them as the reason to not resign, or simply says during a pandemic it wouldn't be responsible and she will step down once it's all sorted I don't know. Can't see a clear path for her.
  13. All depends on the nature of the "mislead". Bad look though, media and the usual suspects will be on it non-stop in the run up and throughout election campaigning. It's mud that will stick.
  14. Can you post link? Doubt she will resign tbf; need to see what the fallout is. I'm surprised.
  15. I mean the boy will have been training/doing stretches/physio during his stint here, I blame McPake for a lot of things but you can't really place the blame of a torn hamstring on him. If he knew the lad was complaining of a tight one beforehand and THEN put him on, then maybe.
  16. See dull Jim McIntyre has started doing personal training classes in a new fitness studio in Dunblane.
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